
Pomeranian Potty Training

All the Pomeranian Potty Training Tips Owners Must Know

Learn the best and most practical potty training tips to help your Pomeranian puppy learn good habits quickly! Get advice from the Pomeranian expert, Denise Leo, on puppy housebreaking lessons, avoid common issues, and give your pup a head start.

“Consistency is key in Pomeranian potty training. As a new pet owner, use lots of praise and treats and always watch for their cues. This method creates a supportive learning atmosphere and motivates your Pomeranian to achieve potty training success.”

advises Denise Leo, Pomeranian breed expert.

Raising a Pomeranian is full of surprises and challenges, and potty training a Pomeranian puppy is no exception. Pomeranian house training is one of the main challenges for many Pom parents. 

The Pomeranian is a small dog with a lot of personality. It is very intelligent and responds well to consistent and positive training. 

The good news is that your little fur buddy can learn where to go potty. It’s particularly easy if you know how to teach your Pom properly.

Pomeranian potty training is about consistency, patience, and a positive attitude. The ultimate goal is to house-train your pet and build a loving bond with your Pom. 

This article will discuss everything you need to know to train your Pomeranian to potty in the right spot.

How to Potty Train a Pomeranian Puppy 

You should begin Pomeranian house training when the puppy is between 12 and 16 weeks old. Pom puppies have enough control over their small bladder and bowel movements at this stage. Toilet training may take longer for a Pomeranian puppy younger than 12 weeks.

Pomeranian Potty Training Tips
Pomeranian Puppies

How Long Does it Take to Potty Train a Pomeranian?

It depends. There is no fixed timeframe for how long it takes to potty train a Pom puppy.

A Pomeranian puppy typically takes 4-6 months to be fully potty trained. However, every Pomeranian is individual, and many aspects come into play.

So, some Pomeranian puppies might take more or less time. Always use positive reinforcement techniques to cut down on the time it takes to have your Pomeranian fully potty trained. Remember that avoiding punishing them for accidents will only worsen the situation.

Signs Your Pomeranian Needs a Bathroom Break

As your Pomeranian begins to associate an outside space as the correct potty place, he will start to find ways to indicate that he needs a toilet break. Here are the most common signs showing your Pomeranian needs a bathroom break:

  • Abrupt changes in activity, behavior, or play
  • Circling and whining
  • Sniffing and licking their rear
  • Scratching, pawing, or sniffing at the door
  • Returning to a previously soiled area or spot in the house where they eliminated

Usually, the older the Pomeranian pup is, the easier it is to identify these signs. Very small dogs may not be able to indicate promptly. If pet owners fail to comprehend these signs or act late, they might find life with their adorable Pomeranian frustrating.

Never let this happen to you!

Pomeranian Parent Tip: When you start Pomeranian potty training, it’s better to be quick when you notice obvious signs your Pom needs to eliminate. Take your Pomeranian out at regular intervals to avoid potty accidents.

All the Pomeranian Potty Training Tips Owners Must Know
Pomeranian Puppies

How to Potty Train a Pomeranian Dog

If you have already crate-trained your Pomeranian, toilet training will be easy.  It is far easier if your Pomeranian respects what you say. A set routine will help smooth the way through this initial potty training stage.

Being consistent is one of the keys to Pomeranian house training. When you start to potty train your Pomeranian, try to follow these steps:

  • Determine a set potty area

It is best to pick a spot outside and take your Pomeranian there whenever needed. The sooner you communicate that there is a designated potty area and some areas are off-limits, the easier it will be to potty train your Pom. Like all dogs, Pomeranians develop a preference for using the same bathroom spot. You should pick an area nearby that is not visited by other puppies and is easy to clean up. 

  • Teach potty cue to your Pomeranian puppy:

Use verbal cues or commands when taking your Pomeranian outside to their designated potty area. This will teach your Pomeranian to go to that specific location to potty. Your Pomeranian will begin to recognize the command and understand what you want him to do. Use this command only when you want your Pom to use the potty area to avoid confusion. 

  • Maintain a regular feeding schedule: 

Keep the Pomeranian on a regular feeding schedule and stay consistent with it. You should break up the Pom puppy feeding schedule into three small meals. Don’t leave uneaten food for the whole day. It’s better to take away their food between meals.  

  • Regular access to bathroom spots

Give regular access to the bathroom place to go. Pick a bathroom spot outside, and always take your Pomeranian to that spot to do their business. Their scent will prompt them to go. Give your puppy at least six bathroom breaks a day.

  • Regular bathroom breaks: 

You have to ensure you give your puppy enough opportunity to do its thing. Remember that all Pomeranian puppies are individuals, and the timing will vary for each. You should expect to take the puppy out during these times:

  • First time in the morning: Take the Pomeranian puppy out to eliminate the first thing in the morning, shortly after they wake up. 
  • After meals: Always take them outside after meals.
  • During and after play: Take them out during and after playing.
  • After nap: Take them out when they wake from a nap. 
  • After crate time: Take them out after spending time in the crate.
  • Before bedtime: Make sure they go out the last thing at night and before they are left alone.

Pomeranians have small bladders and must be eliminated more frequently than larger breeds. Remember that Pom puppies younger than four months need a midnight potty break. Be prepared and set your alarm.

  • Identify the signs

Recognize your Pomeranian puppy’s pre-bathroom signs and behavior. Look out for signs that your Pomeranian is uncomfortable. These signs include whining, circling, barking, or changing abrupt behavior.

  • Use positive reinforcement methods: 

Potty training requires positive reinforcement methods. Do not punish your Pomeranian for their mistakes, like potty accidents in the house. Your Pom puppy needs to know when he does something good and reward them with praises and rewards. When your Pomeranian puppy takes care of business quickly outdoors, give praise and treat, then return indoors. The Pomeranian soon will learn the purpose of going outside.

  • Stay with them during training:

Stay with your Pomeranian puppy outside until they are completely potty trained.

  • Use a crate when you are not home

Restrict your Pom’s access to the house when you cannot be there to supervise him. Confining your Pomeranian to a crate or defined space when you can’t watch your dog is a great idea. Your Pomeranian puppy will learn to view the crate as his haven and be reluctant to soil its area. Never confine your Pom puppy for longer than they can hold it.

  • Be Consistent with potty training:

Being firm with your dog’s potty training routine would be best. Sticking to the same daily routine and skipping sessions will only confuse your Pomeranian about what is best for him.  

  • If you work, consider a dog walker:

Potty training can be a huge hurdle if you work long hours. Your Pomeranian’s progress will be slower if you can’t build a consistent routine. In these circumstances, it’s best to hire a professional dog trainer, dog walker, or dog sitter.

They can stay with your Pom puppy all day or drop in as a dog walker for a midday walk. So, potty training your Pomeranian may require much effort. Patience is the key, as the whole process may take time. 

Pomeranian Puppy
Pomeranian Puppy

Crate Training

Crate training a Pomeranian puppy can effectively teach them the right place for their bathroom needs while providing a safe and comfortable space. Since Pomeranians are small breeds with relatively small bladders, consistent training methods are key to success.

When starting crate training, choose the right size crate that allows your little guy enough room to stand up and lie down comfortably but not so spacious that they can designate a corner for their bathroom. Introducing the crate gradually and positively, associating it with treats and praise, helps your new puppy feel at ease in their new space.

During the training process, it’s important to gradually increase your puppy’s time in the crate, starting with short intervals and progressively extending them as they become more accustomed to it.

Using a schedule for bathroom breaks, particularly after meals, playtime, and naps, helps your puppy learn when and where to go. Patience and consistency are the most important factors in crate training a Pomeranian puppy, as Mishaps are inevitable as part of the training journey.

Providing ample positive reinforcement and consistent training will create the ideal conditions for your puppy to excel in crate training. Before long, you’ll both reap the benefits of a well-trained and happy pup.

Pomeranian Litter Box Training

Yes, it is indeed possible to litter box train a Pomeranian puppy. At Dochlaggie Pomeranians, I have successfully trained numerous pups, and I am here to share my expertise with you.

Starting the Training Process:
I recommend starting the training at around three weeks of age. Place a low tray of kitty litter near the entrance of the puppy’s bed. This ensures that the litter tray is the first thing your Pomeranian steps onto when getting out of bed. As your puppy grows older, gradually move the tray further away.

Seek Guidance from the Breeder:
Discuss potty training with your breeder before purchasing if you want a litter-trained Pomeranian puppy. The breeder can provide valuable insights and advice.

Using litter boxes is an efficient way to potty train your Pomeranian puppy or teach an adult Pomeranian how to relieve themselves.

How to Housebreak a Rescue Dog

House-training adopted dogs can be easier than you think. Contrary to popular belief, teaching older Pomeranians to do their business outside is manageable. Here’s why:

1. Older dogs have better control over their bodies, allowing them to hold their bladder longer than puppies.
2. With a consistent schedule, older dogs learn and adapt quickly to going outside to relieve themselves.

So, if you’ve recently adopted an older dog, don’t worry! Follow a consistent schedule and give them time to adjust; you’ll soon have a well-trained companion.

Pomeranian Puppy
Pomeranian Puppy

Dealing with Pomeranian Housebreaking Problems

Expect your Pomeranian to have a few accidents in the house. It is a perfectly normal part of house training. Dealing with accidents starts and ends with not punishing or yelling at your Pomeranian for their mistake. Here’s what to do when dealing with housebreaking problems:

  • If you find your Pomeranian pup in the act of having an accident in the house, immediately interrupt it.
  • Make a sudden noise like “Oops, No, or Outside” to distract it. Immediately take your Pom out to his official potty spot.
  • Don’t punish or yell at your Pomeranian for potty accidents in the house. It usually does more harm than good. 
  • Thoroughly clean up any soiled spots. Thorough cleaning of the area after a potty accident will remove any pee or potty scent. 
  • Take your Pomeranian out more frequently so he gets more opportunities to do his business on the designated spot. Once potty accidents are reduced, slowly increase the time between bathroom breaks.
  • Always ensure no medical problems interfere with your Pomeranian’s ability to hold a potty. If your Pomeranian has had several lapses in potty training, make a vet appointment for a detailed health examination. Diarrhea, UTI, and kidney and bladder stones might also cause potty accidents.

Puppy House Training Supplies

  • Disposable puppy pads, potty pads, or training pads.
  • Reusable, washable pee pads.
  • Enzymatic cleaner.
  • Clean newspaper.
  • Litter trays.
  • Paper towels.
  • White vinegar for odor control.
  • Cat litter.
Creamy White Pomeranian Puppy
Creamy White Pomeranian Puppy

Pomeranian Potty Training Final Thoughts 

Unfortunately, the housebreaking problem is one reason dogs end up in shelters. As a responsible Pomeranian owner, you must understand how to potty train your Pomeranian effectively.

While you’re house training, don’t worry if there are accidents. Remember that even a house-trained Pom puppy can have potty accidents! Pomeranian owners must understand that house training requires time, patience, and perseverance in the first weeks.

So, stay consistent, and don’t lose your patience. If you continue to take your Pomeranian puppy out at the first sign, it needs to go and be rewarded for appropriate behavior; eventually, it will be house-trained. Make the whole experience pleasant for your Pomeranian.

Offer treats to motivate and encourage good behavior. You will have to reshape your Pomeranian’s behavior with praises and rewards. Do you have any useful tips for Pomeranian potty training? Feel free to share your thoughts. We would be happy to hear from you!

Copyright CaninePals.Com. All Rights Reserved.

References and Further Reading:

  1. Official Standard of the Pomeranian (AKC). American Kennel Club, 2011.
  2. Official English Kennel Club Pomeranian Breed Standard, 2017.
  3.  Kimbering Pomeranians “1891-1991”.
  4.  Denise Leo, The Pomeranian Handbook.
  5.  L.Ives, Show Pomeranians.
  6.  L.Ziegler Spirer & H.F. Spirer, This is the Pomeranian.
  7. FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE (FCI) German Spitz, including Keeshond and Pomeranian Breed Standards. PDF file.

The Pomeranian Handbook by Denise Leo

Pomeranian Potty Training Tips
Pomeranian Potty Training Tips
How to Give a Dog a Bath: Top 10 Dog Washing Tips

How to Give a Dog a Bath: Top 10 Dog Washing Tips

It is time to give your dog a bath, but you are not sure how to do it.

You have heard of some horror stories where the dog has been almost drowned by the owner, and others where they didn’t get all the soap out from their fur. This blog post will teach you how to bathe your pet without any trouble.

The way you wash your dog will chiefly be decided by his particular breed. But one thing is certain, you will need to wash him.

Giving a dog a bath is not as easy as you might think. It’s important to understand the best way to give your pet a good scrubbing, and what products can be used safely on them. To help make this process easier for all of us, we’ve compiled some tips that will ensure both you and your pup have an enjoyable experience in the tub.

There are two aspects to washing your dog; how to wash your dog and how often you wash your dog. You’ll learn about bathing frequency and the best products for different hair types. I hope this helps.

How Frequently Should you Wash your Dog?

How often should I wash my dog? This answer depends largely on their coat type.

Dogs with short coats only need bathing once or twice per year whereas dogs with long hair may require more frequent washing if they are prone to shedding or getting dirty faster than most other breeds.

The short answer is “not too often.” A dog’s coat has natural oils that protect it, keep it silky and soft and prevent it from getting damaged or becoming brittle. If you wash him every week, these oils will soon be washed away as well.

How often do you have to wash your dog depends on whether your dog lives inside and sleeps on bed or the lounge. You should wash your dog if he’s smelly or very dirty. How often you wash your dog will depend on what he does during an average day and whether he’s an inside or outside dog.

If he has long hair, he’ll need a bath more often because his hair can become matted or tangled. The time of year can also affect dog bath frequency requirements.

How to Give a Dog a Bath: Top 10 Dog Washing Tips
How to Give a Dog a Bath: Top 10 Dog Washing Tips

 7 Step Dog Washing Procedure

Many people have a difficult time getting dogs clean and smelling fresh. This is because they don’t know the proper technique. It helps to get them in the right place, use products designed for this task. The real fun begins when the right products are ready and you have chosen a suitable location.

Dog washing starts with:

  1. You’ll want to gather all the items you need and place them in an easy to reach location prior to letting your dog know that bath time is coming up.
  2. Mixing shampoo with water will make lather spread easier. Add the shampoo to a full bowl of water and you’ll see how it works better.
  3. Coax or lure your dog into the tub with treats, and he’ll be more inclined to enjoy bath time. The key is getting dogs in a positive mood before they even get wet. One way that’s easy – treat them like royalty until you’re ready for their next move.
  4. Thoroughly wetting your dog’s coat. It is important to use lukewarm water that has been pre-warmed in order for this step to be effective, so make sure there’s hot and cold running water available too! Wet their entire body until it becomes clear they’re soaking up as much of the warm liquid as possible without showing any signs of discomfort or fear.
  5. When it comes time to wash your dog, there are two considerations: the first is getting rid of all his dirt and that second deep-cleaning. So for every shampoo you use on him, make sure he gets a double dose! The first go round should focus primarily on binding up any dust or grime still stuck in his coat; while the second ensures you’re really scrubbing away at those stubborn oils left behind.
  6. Conditioner is a great way to make your dog’s coat shiny and healthy. Just apply it, leave on for five minutes or so, then rinse the conditioner away.
  7. Rinse your dog until no more soap remains in its fur. Make sure all of the soapy residue is removed from their skin too. If you don’t remove all the shampoo, this could irritate the dog’s skin.

How to Wash a Dog’s Face

  • Is your furry friend tearing up from the shampoo you were using? It’s common for dogs to have a sensitivity around their eyes and nose. Take this into consideration by purchasing tear-free shampoos that are designed specifically with these sensitive areas in mind.
  • How to wash a dog’s face? This is one of the trickiest parts about bathing your pup. You don’t want them getting soap or water in their sensitive areas like ears, nose and eyes so save this for after they’re all done. Use a damp cloth with warm water to clean up around those delicate parts before you start on more difficult tasks like washing their back or chest fur.
  • To ensure a thorough clean, use two cloths to wash your dog’s head and face. One should be soapy water-dipped while the other is clear water dipped. Gently but thoroughly scrub off any dirt or grime then rinse with the second cloth before moving on to an area that has not yet been cleaned.

How to Give a Dog a Bath Who Hates Water

If you have a dog, he will probably always be somewhat apprehensive about bath time. To make them more receptive to the experience of taking baths in the future, try giving your pooch lots of attention and encouraging words while bathing him – this should help create positive associations for next time.

  • Start bathing your puppy when they are young to encourage them to enjoy the bath. Start today by teaching your pup that a bath is just another fun activity with their family, not something dreaded or avoided at all costs.
  • For most dogs, the worst part about bathing in a tub or sink is being unsteady on slippery surfaces. To keep this from happening to your pup you can buy specialized nonslip mats that are designed for use with water and soap residue.
  • Did you know that there are easy ways to make bath time more enjoyable for your pup? One way is by smearing peanut butter or baby food on the tub or shower door. Your dog will lick it off while you bathe them and they won’t even focus on how wet their fur gets.
  • Don’t use the faucet or showerhead . Noisy water can be really frightening for some dogs, and if your pup hates baths it could just be because they’re scared of all the noise.
  • A dog’s bath can be a scary experience. So, before you put your pup in the tub, make sure to test the water temperature with them.
  • Dogs can smell a lot better than humans, so it’s important to use gentle shampoo and mild-smelling soap.
  • Fortunately there’s hope for pups who hate baths. With some patience and lots of yummy treats can change a dog’s response to baths. Over time, you’ll be able to condition your furry friend into thinking that baths are nothing more than a fun experience. To start off with this process it’s important to reward them heavily when they step near the bathtub – even if their paws never touch water. Once they’re comfortable approaching the tub without being scared or anxious about entering it (or getting wet), feel free to begin rewarding them just as much once inside too in case there was any hesitation whatsoever on first stepping foot in the bathing area. Next up is turning on some running water so while we wait until our four-legged pal becomes accustomed enough with everything.
  • Bathing your dog can be quite a hassle, especially if he fights you during the process. Schedule a bath for your pup only when you have plenty of free time to do things right and with patience.

How to Dry Your Dog

Always towel-dry your pup as best you can before moving on to the next step. A dog specific hairdryer or a human one in medium setting is perfect for this job, but if need be air drying them works too. Brushing their fur after every 10 minutes will help prevent mats from forming.

How to Give a Dog a Bath: Top 10 Dog Washing Tips
How to Give a Dog a Bath: Top 10 Dog Washing Tips

Top 10 Dog Washing Tips:

  1. Make it enjoyable and start as young as possible. Then your dog will get used to the water and being washed.
  2. Choose where you’re going to wash him. This will vary, according to the time of year and the breed. A small dog or puppy can be washed in a tub or sink. A big dog needs to be washed in a bathtub. If the weather is warm, you can use the hose.
  3. The bottom of the tub needs a rubber mat to stop the dog from sliding all around the place. He’ll feel more secure as well.
  4. Before you start the washing process, get everything you need and lay it all out. Towels, shampoo, a bucket and anything else you want. Never turn your back on your wet dog unless you’re keen to chase him.
  5. Only use lukewarm water and shampoo specially formulated for dogs. Choose a tearless shampoo if available.
  6. Don’t get soap or water in your pet’s ears and eyes and wash his head last so it’s not wet for long. This will reduce his urge to shake himself dry.
  7. Rinse him well. Dogs often feel itchy after they have been washed. This is usually caused by not rinsing all the shampoo off or because you have washed him too often.
  8. When it’s winter, keep your pet inside until he’s 100% dry. You can use a dryer set on ‘cool,’ not hot (or it may burn him) can help to dry him faster.
  9. Dogs love shaking themselves dry. It starts with his head so if you hold your dog’s head still, there won’t be much shaking. Put a towel over him as soon as you’re done will help stop him from coating the walls and furniture with water. If you don’t want him to shake at all, train him to only shake when commanded to do so. That will need some patience.
  10. After the wash, tell him to stay/sit. If he wants to shake, guide him into the sit position and command him to stay/sit and then you get out of his way. Then tell him he can shake. Praise him for doing so and then he’ll eventually only shake when allowed to do it.

NOTE: Bathing is a great time to check for rough areas and lumps on his skin. If you find anything unusual, talk to your vet. A well-groomed dog is a healthy, happy dog.


That’s everything you need to know about giving your dog a bath. We hope this article has been helpful for those who are looking to improve their pet-care skills.

If there is anything we missed, please let us know in the comments section below and we will do our best to address it.

In addition, if you have any other questions or concerns related to dogs in general (not just bathing), feel free to email. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read this blog post on how often should I wash my dog?

Copyright CaninePals.Com. All Rights Reserved

Puppy Facts for New Owners

Be the Best Owner Ever: Puppy Facts for New Owners

Welcoming a new puppy into your home is an exciting time filled with joy, anticipation, and a bit of nervousness, especially for first-time dog owners. As you prepare for your puppy’s arrival, understanding their needs and what to expect in the early days becomes crucial.

This guide on “Puppy Facts for New Owners” is designed to equip pet parents with essential insights into navigating the initial phase of dog ownership.

From figuring out the first things to do when your new pet crosses the threshold to recognizing the most important thing about integrating them as family members, we’ll cover what you need to know to ensure a smooth transition for you and your puppy.

Whether you’re curious about different dog breeds or seeking advice on effectively meeting your puppy’s needs, you’re in the right place. Let’s dive into the wonderful world of puppies, ensuring you’re well-prepared to introduce your furry friend to their new life as joyfully and stress-freely as possible.

Puppy Facts for New Owners
Puppy Facts for New Owners

New Puppy Do’s and Don’ts

Puppy facts for new owners include the information that a puppy is just like a new human baby; they must be taught their boundaries. Here are some ideas and the best puppy advice to help you and your new puppy learn the ropes.

Bringing a New Puppy Home

How does picking up a new puppy for the first time feel? It’s exciting, nerve-wracking, and joyful all at once. If you are bringing your new puppy home, a lot of preparation needs to be done before the big journey begins. To make sure everything goes smoothly, here are some tips on how to bring home a new puppy:

  • Picking a weekend to pick up your new puppy will make settling in at home easier and give you more opportunities to play with them.
  • Get your home puppy-ready: Prepare everything you need when that furry bundle of joy arrives.
  • A simple way to make your new puppy’s journey home more comfortable is to give them something that smells like their mother and siblings. The breeder will likely have a blanket, but if not, you can ask about borrowing one from the bedding they’ve used with your pup.
  • Take a small bottle of water from the breeder: If you’re looking for an easy way to prevent any puppy’s digestive woes, take home some of the breeder’s water.
  • Ask the breeder for a small sample of the food your puppy has been eating at the breeder’s home.
  •  First, decide where in the car the puppy will sit for safety and comfort during the long ride home. If it’s too stressful or dangerous to have the puppy on your lap while driving (or if no one can join you), ensure they have a comfortable place, such as a crate or carrier secured to the passenger seat. Prepare for this emotional roller coaster called “bringing home” by deciding where your dog should go when traveling in the car.
  • Make sure you stop for frequent breaks when driving back with your new pup, or else it will be very smelly and uncomfortable in the car. Stop at gas stations or rest stops so they can get out of their crate if necessary and hopefully relieve themselves before continuing on their journey back to what we call “home.”
  • Prepare for accidents: If it’s a long journey back home, pack paper towels and line the puppy’s crate with puppy pads. Also, have an enzyme cleaner ready in case of smelly accidents.

Tips For New Puppy Owners

How to Prepare for New Puppy

Here’s a Few Items That I Recommend Purchasing Before Bringing a New Puppy Home:

  • A crate lined with a vet bed or absorbable, washable blankets is also great for traveling or when your dog needs privacy.
  • A playpen or exercise pen. Connected to the crate (place a puppy pad at the furthest end of the crate) so that the dog has his own space inside.
  • Baby gates.
  • Poop bags
  • Puppy training pads.
  • Dog food and water bowls.
  • Purchase the correct puppy food. A high-quality food.
  • Washable bedding and a suitable-sized puppy bed.
  • There are plenty of safe chew, puzzle-type, and soft, squeaky animal-shaped toys.
  • Pet insurance.

 Puppy Facts for New Owners: The First Week

There’s a lot of adjustment to go through in those first seven days. You’ll want to learn all you can about how puppies develop and what they need so that you’re prepared for anything. Puppies will have accidents more often than fully trained dogs; this is normal during their early weeks because they haven’t yet learned bladder control. Be patient but consistent while training your pup.

Your new puppy must adapt to:

  • Adjusting to their new home.
  • Being away from their mother and littermates.
  • Drinking and eating from a different bowl.
  • There are lots of new smells that smell suspiciously like home but are probably unfamiliar.
  • New people and maybe even other pets.

Your pup needs plenty of love and care to adjust properly. Puppies are just like human babies. They need a lot of attention and love to stay healthy and happy, so don’t overwhelm them with too many physical or mental tasks at once.

New Puppy Owner Guide: the First Week

  • Overnight, your puppy’s sleep patterns are likely to change drastically. It’s normal for them not to sleep through the night in their first week at home as they adjust to living with a litter of other animals and people. Additionally, animals have trouble adjusting if they don’t get enough sleep because other external stimuli keep them awake at night, like kids playing outside or traffic noises; however, once again, everything should settle down after some time spent together.
  • Help your puppy know where to go to the toilet by providing a designated area. For example, you may want an outdoor space or a special pad dedicated to another part of their home away from their crate. To get a puppy toilet trained, create and follow a good schedule that includes bedtime and wake-ups, feeding, playtime with the pup, or some gentle exercise to keep them tired at all times. A potty break should be included in every hour of awake time so they can learn as quickly as possible.
  • Your adorable puppy will be fun, but you should prepare for the inevitable—chewing and destroying things.
  • Make sure to take your new puppy for a checkup with the vet. I recommend that all pet owners make an appointment at their nearest veterinarian clinic when they get a new pup to schedule vaccinations and other treatments and familiarize themselves with any preexisting conditions or health issues so that these can be dealt with immediately.

Things to Know About Puppies

New puppies are cute and cuddly, but they also have a lot going on in a short time. They need food for energy and shelter from the elements so that their new immune system can get strong enough to fend off disease. Puppies also must learn how important socialization is early on in life: it’s necessary so that dogs don’t grow up not trusting humans or other animals around them.

What Not to Do With a New Puppy

Here’s a list of what not to do with your new puppy:

  • Don’t let your new puppy sleep in your bed on the first night unless this will be the pup’s permanent sleeping place.
  • Ensure the puppy eats the correct amount of food and has access to water 24/7.
  • Never feed a puppy any food from fast food restaurants.
  • Ensure the puppy gets enough sleep.
  • Do not over-exercise a young puppy.
  • Do not take a puppy to a dog park. The puppy could catch a disease or even be hurt by a larger dog.
  • Resist the temptation to show the puppy to friends and neighbors. Other than seeing the vet for the first checkup, the puppy should stay home until its course of vaccinations is complete.

Important Puppy Care Tips

  • Regular Visits to the Vet: Every dog needs an annual physical and a vaccination schedule, just like people. However, dogs age faster than people, so visiting a good veterinarian every six months is better. Regular vet visits may help your vet notice problems that can indicate disease or sickness.
  • Crate Training & Potty Training: For new puppy owners, crate and potty training are fundamental to raising a well-behaved dog. Crate training offers your puppy a secure and comfortable personal area, helping them learn to cope with anxiety and appreciate alone time. It also plays an important role in preventing indoor accidents, ensuring a smoother housebreaking process. Simultaneously, potty training, often facilitated by puppy training pads, helps establish a clear routine and designated area for bathroom breaks. These pads can be a valuable tool in teaching your puppy where it is acceptable to relieve themselves, especially before they’ve learned to hold it until they’re outside. Starting these training techniques early benefits your puppy’s emotional and physical growth and enhances the connection between you and your puppy.
  • Dog Training: Training your new puppy with positive reinforcement ensures good behavior and enhances their social skills and mental stimulation. Puppy classes are an excellent start, teaching crucial commands like heel, sit, stay, and come, which could be life-saving. These classes offer a blend of reward-based training—using treats and praise to encourage good behavior—and opportunities for young puppies to interact, developing their social abilities. This foundation of positive reinforcement and socialization sets the stage for a well-mannered dog, welcome in any setting.
  • Feeding: If you give your dog the best quality food possible, he’ll stay healthy and active for a long time. Stingy and buying the cheapest food may save money in the short term, but that choice could cost much more. Dogs with diabetes and/or obesity can be very costly in terms of vet bills and other care.
  • Neuter your pet: It would be best if you had your dog neutered. The only exception to this rule is if he’s a first-class member of his specific breed. Neutering your beloved dog when he’s six months old can prevent him from contracting many common dog cancers.
  • Grooming: Like people, dogs feel wonderful after being groomed. Give his coat a regular brush, even if it’s short. His nails should be properly trimmed regularly so he can walk easily. You could brush his teeth with a specifically designed toothpaste and toothbrush to avoid dental issues.

Puppy Facts for New Owners Conclusion

Raising a new puppy can be daunting but makes for some adorable moments.  When you get home from work, your pup first jumps on you to say hello, and there’s no way not to smile.

A lot has been written about what makes dogs happy—walks outdoors, treats for doing tricks, or just because they should have the occasional snack since it’s not good for them all day without any breaks—but many other things make our four-legged friends genuinely content, too! Did you know that playing games like tug-of-war helps build trust between owners and their canines?

Finally, but certainly not least, give your new furry friend much attention and love. If you play it smart by following all the tips in this article, you will enjoy each other for many years.

Please note: while I do discuss health, care, and behavioral issues, you should never use this information as a replacement for advice from qualified veterinarians, diagnoses, or recommended treatment regimes. If you have any worries about your Dog’s health, your first contact should be your regular vet or, if you don’t yet have one, a vet that works locally. Never ignore or avoid treatment and advice from your vet because of a piece of information you have read on any website.

Copyright CaninePals.Com. All Rights Reserved.

 Puppy Facts for New Owners
Puppy Facts for New Owners

15 Common Dog Grooming Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

15 Common Dog Grooming Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

This article will teach you the common dog grooming mistakes that many people make, as well as share tips on how to avoid these pitfalls. 

Grooming your dog is a necessary task, but it’s also easy to make mistakes. It can be difficult to know how often you should bathe your dog and what type of shampoo or conditioner to use. If you’re struggling with grooming, then this blog post will help you out.

Grooming is a key element in the overall care of your pet. It makes a major impact on your choice of the dog breed you own. Regardless of the breed, you choose to take home, you’ll need to ensure he’s regularly groomed and bathed so he’s as healthy, comfortable, and visually appealing as possible.

In an ideal world, it’s best to leave grooming to the dog grooming professionals. However, it’s tempting to do it yourself because it can work out cheaper to do so. Grooming is a way you can bond with your pet. It can be very rewarding for both you and your pet, as long as you follow all the advice your vet or groomer gives you and that you feel comfortable doing it yourself.

It’s ideal if you can get a professional groomer for the job. However, you can do it for yourself if you buy a good quality pair of clippers. Most pet shops sell this type of product. In the long run, you’ll save heaps of money.

15 Common Dog Grooming Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
15 Common Dog Grooming Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Tips to Help you Avoid Dog Grooming Mistakes

There are many types of coats in the dog kingdom: long hair, short hair, double coats, and coats that don’t shed. Each type needs some unique grooming techniques but there are other grooming elements common to all dogs.

The Top 15 Dog Grooming Mistakes to Avoid

1. Failing To Brush Dog’s Coat Before Bathing

Every dog needs a regular brush as it gets rid of the surface dirt on the coat. It spreads the dog’s natural oil over his skin and helps stop the hair from becoming tangled. Brushing lets your feel your dog’s whole body and is an ideal method for checking for sores, bumps, and lumps that may need to be treated.

You should begin brushing your puppy when he’s very young so he becomes used to that activity. Reward the puppy with yummy treats while he sits quietly and patiently. At first, you should only do it for about two minutes and slowly increase the amount of time you spend brushing your pet.

Boxers, Staffordshire Terriers, and other dogs with smooth, short coats have a nickname of ‘wash’n’wear’ dogs as it’s very easy to look after their coats. A rubber brush should go against the lie of the fur generally is all you need. One tip here is that it’s wise to use a chamois cloth and rub it over your dog’s coat. This action polishes it and makes the coat shiny.

If your dog has a long coat and a protective undercoat, he’ll need to be brushed thoroughly every other day. If this doesn’t happen, his hair will become matted and very uncomfortable. To remove all loose hair, use a wire slicker brush. Use a wide-toothed comb to gently eliminate all the tangles and mats in your dog’s coat. It’s also vital that you trim the hair growing between his toes.

Dogs such as Bichon Frise, Schnauzers, and Poodles have a type of hair that continuously keeps growing, like wool, but it never sheds. Because of this, they’re ideal pets for those with allergies. However, they still need bathing regularly and their coats should be trimmed every 6-8 weeks using a decent clipper.

2. Failure to Train Your Dog

If you wish to groom your dog without causing him any harm, anxiety, or a complete mess, you must put in a lot of effort into training your dog so he’s comfortable whenever he is being groomed. To do this properly, it’s imperative that training him should begin when he’s as young as possible.

Part of this training involves ensuring he’s comfortable when he’s touched on his body, tail. paws, legs, head, and face, and that he’s used to hearing buzzing and other types of grooming tools.

He should also be comfortable with other people who touch him because you might hire a groomer down the track and you won’t like your dog to be afraid and, perhaps, nip him.

If you have adopted your dog when he’s older, it’s still essential to make him comfortable with all aspects of dog grooming at home. You have to create an environment that’s free from stress and ensure you give him lots of rewards and praise while you’re washing him and brushing his fur and teeth.

Be extremely patient and create a positive experience. Your dog could easily be nervous the first few times but persist with it. This will make your dog less anxious, preventing grooming a miserable time for you and your dog.

3. Washing Your Dog’s Inner Ears

Many people are under the impression that their dogs’ ears ought to be cleaned from time to time. However, this is not true! As a matter of fact, cleaning your dog’s inner ear can do more harm than good.

If your pup seems to have an ear issue, you should probably go see the vet. You’ll want them to check out how bad it is and determine what kind of treatment they need in order for their ears to be as healthy as possible.

4. Not Rinsing Your Dog Thoroughly

Whether you’re bathing your pup or just giving them a quick water spritz, it’s important to make sure that all the shampoo is off of their coat. If not rinsing thoroughly enough can lead to irritated and dry skin which will need extra attention at bath time as well as an increased chance for infections in those tender spots on their body.

Not rinsing their coat thoroughly can lead to things like the dreaded hot spots or worse yet itchiness and scratching which will drive any pup mad as they try so hard to scratch themselves raw because of an uncontrollable urge from the skin irritation.

5. Failure to Brush A Wet Dog

Apart from brushing him prior to a wash, it’s vital that you brush him after the wash. This makes brushing afterwards an easier, less painful process. Bathing him loosens even more hair. These hairs will become tangled in his coat if not brushed out. This is yet another reason for brushing him before and after his bath.

6. Lack of Grooming Consistency

Even though your schedule doesn’t say it’s time to cut his fur, bathe him and give him a complete grooming session, that’s no reason to avoid basic duties such as brushing his coat.

Some owners don’t groom their dog at a specific time of the year or might go for a couple of weeks without the urge to trim or bathe their dog. However, it’s essential to maintain the grooming routine so he’ll feel less stressed and won’t forget what grooming feels like when you return to regular dog grooming.

7. Not Being Thorough

Brushing your dog’s back is easy. However, a lot of owners forget there’s also an entire dog body connected to his back that will need your attention as well. Parasites and pests love infesting these other body parts including the face, belly, neck, ears, armpits, and tail. Looking for these areas on your dog’s body, as well as getting rid of mats and tangles won’t merely help them look fantastic, but it also maintains their good health.

8. Dog Grooming in Winter

Many owners are concerned about cutting their dog’s hair in the Wintertime, that their dogs will feel the cold. So, they don’t cut their dogs’ hair. They also ignore the other grooming tasks.

This often means their dogs have severe matting prior to warmer months and the only way to remedy the problem at this point is to do a short shave on their dog’s coat, the opposite of an owner’s goal in Winter. The extra length of the dog’s fur won’t keep him stay much warmer in Winter.

Keep up with his regular grooming: bathing and brushing, and trim his coat, too. This avoids tangled, matted fur and his natural coat will keep him warm. There’s no need for a full shave, but maintaining his coat is essential.

9. I Cut My Dog While Grooming

You must be very careful because a single slip when shaving a dog with clippers can cause your dog pain and harm. Damaging the dog’s skin with clippers is known as razor burn on dogs.  This isn’t just a physical injury. It’s also an emotional injury. It takes ages to build trust with your pet, to begin with, and if you hurt him, that trust can quickly evaporate, leaving your pet wary of you from then on.

Shaving a Dog with Clippers
Shaving a Dog with Clippers

The first mistake you can make is shaving too close to the skin. Clippers may leave a horrible razor burn that may later cause an infection. If you do accidentally cause such a burn whilst shaving a dog with clippers, immediately stop and apply first aid. Clean the wound and then apply some anti-bacteria salve. Give your pet lots of hugs and apologize for causing such pain and say that it was just an accident.

Although your pet may not understand the actual words, he’ll understand your tone and will react to you in the way you intend. Emotional pain can be as bad as physical pain. Keep your eye on the wound and if it starts oozing pus or turns red, take him to the vet straight away. If he licks or tries to scratch his wound, use a plastic protective collar because you don’t want him aggravating it while it’s trying to heal.

10. Shaving Your Dog For Summer

Shaving your dog for summer can be a dangerous and painful process. The sun heats up the blades of the razor, which could cause burns if touched by sensitive skin on their muzzle or ears. And because dogs have fur that grows in different directions, it’s not always easy to keep them from getting nicked when shaving certain areas like under the tail.

It’s important for double-coated spitz dog breed owners to be aware of the risk that shaving can cause problems. Double coated dogs like the Pomeranian are at higher risk for a variety of issues related to grooming, including hair loss after being shaved in an effort to stay cool during the summer months. Owners should avoid severe fur trimming on these breeds and opt instead for keeping them cooler with plenty of water and shade throughout the day.

15 Common Dog Grooming Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
15 Common Dog Grooming Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

11. Using Dull Clippers

You should never use dull clippers on dogs, and if you do the cut will be uneven. There are other issues as well that can arise from using a dull blade of any variety like infection or unnecessary discomfort for your dog when clipping is done too close to the skin’s surface. If you want to avoid these pitfalls make sure all blades are sharp before starting with grooming.

Don’t jump into nail clipping head first. First, you need to check that your clippers are sharp. They need to be replaced regularly. Dull nail clippers will crush your dog’s nails instead of properly cutting them, potentially making them slip and causing injuries.

Another mistake that you, as a novice groomer, can make is getting shampoo or other similar chemicals in your pet’s eyes. Whether it’s your fault or perhaps your pet moved his head at the wrong time, soap can easily splash. This can make your pet’s eyes sting and cause him to relate pet grooming with that unpleasant experience from then on. Again, trust is lost unnecessarily.

Wash his eyes with water or a saline solution and then dab them with a soft sterile cloth. Comfort your pet by hugging and patting him to take his attention off his eyes.

Give him a treat or grab his favorite toy. Hold the toy so he can see it and move it back and forth. Watch his eyes for any signs that they’re irritated as the eyes follow the toy up and down, back and forth.

13. Not Restraining Your Pet While Grooming

One mistake that may prove fatal is leaving your pet loose or unrestrained while you’re trying to groom him. Cats hate baths, as do some dogs, and they’ll try to escape at any opportunity. Your pet might try to escape while you’re grooming him.

He may run out into the road and get hit by a car or be attacked by another animal. Ensure you use a dog grooming restraint.

Preferably a leash and perhaps he needs a dog grooming head restraint such as a muzzle as well. This protects both him and you. If washing him outside, do it in a fenced area so he’s not tempted to run away.

14. Using the Wrong Equipment and Not Cutting Precisely and Slowly

Proper trimming of a dog’s nails is an enormous challenge for the majority of dog owners. This is an important reason for ensuring your dog is comfortable having his paws handled properly while training.

Learn the right way to spot the nails quick. If your dog’s nails are light in color, you’ll likely see the quick as a pink circle around each nail. If your dog’s nails are dark, the quick might be visible as a black circle when you cut into the nail.

Make sure you take your time and avoid cutting into the quick because it will cause pain and bleeding. If you don’t know how to do it, ask your vet or an experienced groomer to help you.

15. Letting Your Dog Go Outside Right After Grooming

Most dogs will go crazy after their bath, even if they have been fully dried. The first thing they want to do is run around and roll in things, such as the grass, mud, dirt, etc.

While there are numerous reasons for them wanting to do this, it’s critical that your dog be kept inside after being groomed. If not, he’ll run around outside and when he comes in again, you’ll need to wash everything off him and groom him once more.

Let your dog run around inside for a while until he loses the urge to go outside.

Final Thoughts Dog Grooming Mistakes to Avoid

The conclusion of this article of the list of the most common dog grooming mistakes and how to avoid them. In order to help you keep your pup looking his or her best, I compiled this list of some of the most common mistakes that people make when they are trying to groom their pet dog at home.

These tips will be sure to save you from any unwanted hairballs in the future! Let me know if there are other questions about these topics that need more clarification before putting our advice into practice with your furry friend. We’re happy to answer all your queries and provide helpful solutions for keeping your puppy well-groomed.

Copyright CaninePals.Com. All Rights Reserved.

Tips on Dog Grooming
Tips on Dog Grooming



Canine Neuter FAQ

Canine Neuter Surgery FAQ

Canine neuter surgery provides several health benefits for dogs. Before you make the decision to proceed with the dog neuter procedure familiarize yourself the dog neutering procedure.

You will probably want to ask how do vets neuter male dogs and should ask about any canine neuter procedure questions you might have? Most  owners usually have questions about dog neuter surgery side effects, the risk of dog neutering complications and male dog desexing aftercare instructions.

Why do People Neuter Dogs?

Dogs who are not neutered i.e. still entire are vulnerable to many health issues. One of the major worries is about the prostate gland. Testosterone can gradually cause the gland to grow bigger during the dog’s lifetime.

As the dog ages, it often becomes uncomfortable and if it grows so big, it may affect your pet’s ability to defecate. Infections can be caused when the prostate’s affected and neutering is the only way to solve this problem.

If your dog is neutered, his prostate may shrink a lot. It also prevents prostatitis and benign hyperplasia (an enlargement), both issues that occur as a dog gets older. There’s also a widely-held belief that if you neuter your dog, it will prevent the onset of prostate cancer. However, this is just a myth.

There are other benefits of having your dog neutered and they include: tumours in the anus and testicles, prevention of some forms of hernias and excessive preputial discharge.

Does Neutering Change Behaviour?

The only behavioural changes that may happen are those that are affected by changes in hormones. Your dog’s friendliness, playful nature and his social interactions with other people won’t be affected. The behaviours that generally change are the negative ones.

90% of neutered dogs lose their interest in roaming. 70% of neutered dogs will lose their desire to mount other dogs. 60% of dogs who are neutered lose their aggressive behaviour towards other male dogs. 50% of those dogs who are neutered stop urine marking.

Canine Neuter FAQ
Canine Neuter FAQ

How Do They Neuter a Male Dog?

Canine neuter surgical procedure involves the Vet cutting an incision a little forward of the scrotum. This incision is where the vet pulls the testicles through. Stalks are cut and tied and so castration is now done.

Do They Remove Testicles When Neutering a Dog?

If his testicles aren’t removed, the above-mentioned benefits won’t be realised. The vet may or may not use stitches for the incision.

Canine Neuter Discharge Instructions

Canine neuter discharge instructions will be provided by your Vet. Male dog neutering aftercare instructions will probably include the instructions for a light tasty evening meal for your dog, a warm soft bed inside, limit activity and the requirement for your dog to wear a cone to prevent damage to the incision.

Male dog desexing aftercare can occasionally include giving painkillers to your dog, which will need to be given for the first few days as per your Vet’s instructions.

Dog neutering complications and dog neuter surgery side effects are rare if the dog’s owner follows the vet’s instructions post surgery correctly.

What to Expect after the Dog is Brought Home from the Vet Hospital?

Male dog neutering recovery in younger male dogs is often very rapid. Owners should expect a male neutered dog’s scrotum to be swollen for the initial few days following the dog neuter procedure.  Some owners may think the procedure wasn’t done at all. If it’s an immature dog, his empty scrotum will flatten as he ages.

If he is as mature dog, it will stay as a skin flap. Occasionally the incision is slightly bruised.

Most dogs want to play as soon as they get home but, to ensure the incision stays intact, you need to stop him from playing boisterously.

Best Age to Neuter a Dog?

Provided that both testicles have dropped, age for dog neutering is after the age of eight weeks. If a dog is neutered before he hits puberty (around the six month mark) often grow larger than dogs who have it done after puberty.

Testosterone causes bones to stop growing so if the dog doesn’t have testosterone, the point at which the growth is stopped occurs later in his life.

The same health benefits and behaviour of the prostate can happen regardless of your dog’s age. This means no dog is “too old” to gain the benefits. Most vets say the ideal age for dog neutering is six months old.

 Side Effects of Neutering a Male Dog

Will the dog become lethargic or obese?

Your dog’s appetite and level of activity won’t change after the procedure. Nor should he gain weight.

Will he still like females?

His interest will drop but he’ll be aroused if he’s near a female dog in heat. Mounting is sometimes a sign of dominance and a male that has been neutered may mount for many reasons, not all motivated by sex.

Can male dogs still mate after being neutered?

Male dogs who are neutered as adults may retain the ability to mate with a bitch in season. There is no chance of puppies resulting from such a mating.

Canine Neuter FAQ
Canine Neuter FAQ

What if his Testicles Haven’t Dropped?

Tumours are more common in dogs with undescended testicles. They might get twisted on the stalks and cause potentially life-threatening inflammation. Neutering is strongly recommended for dogs if their testicles haven’t dropped.

However, the procedure is more complicated. The testicle might be under the skin along the path it would have taken to descend to his scrotum or it might be in his abdomen. The vet may need to do some exploring to locate it, so he may have two incisions.

The other testicle will be under-developed and sterile. If one has descended, it will be fertile. However, because retaining a testicle is genetic, it’s usually fertile and the dog shouldn’t be bred until after he has been neutered.

Are you Legally Required to Neuter your Dog?

Check with your local government office or council as some places do make it illegal not to neuter a dog because they’re trying to control the population of the pets.

Copyright Caninepals.Com. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding the medical condition of your dog. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on ANY website.

Why Dogs Get Cancer

How to Avoid Cancer in Dogs

Why Dogs Get CancerDog Cancer Survival Guide

How to avoid cancer in dogs. Providing your dog with a healthy lifestyle will assist him to live a long, happy and healthy life free from cancer.
The number one cause of death in the canine world is cancer. Approx. one in every three dogs (33%) will contract cancer at some point in their lives. Sadly, this figure is the same in humans. There are many varied types of cancer cells in dogs and they mimic human cancer cells. The most common cancerous cells in dogs are the mast cell tumors.
As with humans, there’s a lot of research into canine cancer and, despite there not being a cure for all types right now, the best way to tackle cancer is through prevention. Typical causes of canine cancers include diet, exercise, genetics, environment, lifestyle and many other factors that aren’t as common (for example – being deprived of daylight) or the more controversial aspects (such as vaccines).
There are also certain indirect causes of cancer and these include separation anxiety disorder and various other mental health disorders. These are usually followed by poor appetite, an unhealthy amount of weight loss, and lethargy.

Why Dogs Get Cancer?

Genetics History and Pedigree

Why Dogs Get Cancer, dogs Cancer, Dog cancer prevention Before making a puppy/dog buying decision, it’s essential that you carefully study the pedigrees of the litters on your short list. Although cancer won’t be obvious within the pedigree, you can talk to breeders or owners and ask relevant questions.
People can contract cancer due to their genetic history, and this also applies to canines. While cancer is certainly the number one dog killer, specific breeds are more prone to the disease. Great Danes, Rottweilers, and Labrador Retrievers are much more likely than Beagles, Dachshunds and Border Collies.
Research shows that smaller dog breeds are less likely to develop cancer than larger breeds. Great Danes and St. Bernards have the greatest risk of contracting more serious types of cancer such as Osteosarcoma (bone cancer) which, sadly,
has a very poor prognosis.
Despite these comparisons and some dogs being more or less likely than others when it comes to developing cancer, no dog breed is 100% safe because cancer has such a complex, unpredictable nature. The reverse is also true. Just because your dog is a Great Dane or Saint Bernard, it doesn’t guarantee he’ll develop cancer of any type or, if he does, it may not kill him. If you’re really desperate to defy the odds, do your thorough research before making your purchase.

Don’t Over-Vaccinate

Dogs cancer, Why dogs get cancerResearch has revealed the fact that if dogs are over-vaccinated for viruses including Distemper (CPD), Canine Parvovirus (CPV) and Canine Adenovirus (CAV), it’s increasing their risk for contracting cancer. Lots of owners still keep vaccinating their dogs well into old age but is it essential to do so? It’s necessary to understand that vaccines are believed to immunize dogs for many years and even for the entire life of the dog in question.
Currently there’s insufficient proof to know that vaccinations are vital to keep dogs healthy. Many doses come in a one size fits all, so the same dosage that a Chihuahua is given is also applied to a Great Dane. It’s ridiculous to expect both dogs to benefit the same due to their widely different sizes.
Cancer in Dogs, why dogs get cancerLinks have been discovered between cancers such as leukemia and lymphoma and dogs being over-vaccinated. There have also been correlations to other health problems such as anemia, allergies and seizures. Negative effects of having too many vaccinations aren’t always immediately obvious. It can take months or years or after a few vaccinations.
Concerns are growing regarding how much education regarding vaccine side effects is being provided to vets. Because of this, you must assume as much responsibility as you can when it comes to learning everything that can possibly affect the health of your dog. After all, you have your dog 24/7, whereas the vet has to care for a lot of different dogs with a wide variety of problems.
This is similar in the human world when you see your GP. You should learn and know enough to ask questions to get the best treatment for yourself (and your dog).
Do your research into whether your dog needs vaccinations and boosters or not. Remember, his immune system isn’t a toy to be played with. If you’re too cautious, you could cause him more harm than good.

Neutering and Spaying.

why dogs get cancer, Neutering and spaying of dogsNeutering and spaying of dogs have positives and negatives when it comes to the prevention of cancer:
Female dogs:
Spaying decreases the risk of mammary cancer a great deal, particularly if it’s done after the first heat.
• If it’s never done or if she’s spayed after her fifth heat, these scenarios provide the greatest chance of mammary cancer.
• If she’s spayed, uterine and ovarian cancers are eliminated because the ovaries and uterus are removed.
Male dogs:
Male Cancer in Dogs, why dogs get cancer• If a male dog is neutered (testicles removed), testicular cancer isn’t possible.
• It’s also a decreased chance of contracting prostate cancer (because there’s usually a connection to testosterone), although there needs to be more proof of this.
Even if dogs have been neutered or spayed to decrease or eliminate some forms of cancer, there are others to which a dog may be genetically disposed of. If your dog has been “fixed,” there’s an increased risk of lymphoma, mast cell tumors and hemangiosarcoma. When making decisions regarding what’s best for your dog’s overall health, avoid solely basing it on the cancer risk factor.

A Healthy Diet

Cancer treatment with Food, Cancer in Dogs, why dogs get cancerAs it is in the world of human beings, there have been lots of claims, reports and articles about the best canine cancer diet. What foods to eat and avoid to prevent cancer. Because there’s no solid evidence, it’s difficult to know what’s true and what’s not. However, it can’t hurt to listen to food experts and add some of their ideas to your dog’s meals. If he ends up being healthier as a result, then that’s positive news.
If you don’t want your dog to develop cancer, look at the foods you already give him. Processed foods, poor quality treats and unhealthy dog supplements may all have a negative effect on your dog’s metabolic processes, making it easier to contract cancer. These types of foods also link to overweight and obese dogs, making his risk of contracting cancer increase exponentially.

Dog Cancer Diet

This is a list of some of the best foods that can help prevent cancer in dogs (and are best consumed in small amounts):
• Blueberries – have ellagic acid that blocks the metabolic paths that can lead to causing cancer
• Pumpkin – has lots of beta-carotene and that decreases the growth of cancer and eliminates other substances that can cause cancer.
• Apples – are described as being an antiangiogenic food that can stop existing blood cells from creating new ones. Once a tumor begins growing, it needs the new blood vessels or it will be oxygen-starved and unable to get nutrients so it can’t survive.
• Turmeric – has curcumin, an antioxidant that hinders the growth of tumors.
• Coconut oil – has fatty acids that’s great for the health of your dog’s skin and can kill pre-cancerous lesions and protect against some cancer-causing bacteria.
If your budget can handle it, feed your beloved pet a diet of homemade food (cooked or raw) instead of canned or dry food. Nutrition is much more bioavailable and the nutritional profile is much higher. However, homemade dog food is generally more inconvenient and expensive to maintain.

Increase Exercise

canine cancer, Cancer in Dogs, why dogs get cancerA dog obviously can’t live a sedentary lifestyle. While certain breeds require more exercise than others, it’s still vital that your dog has at least 30-60 minutes of exercise every day.
Exercise will assist your pet in keeping his weight in a healthy range instead of becoming obese and increasing his risk of cancer (as is the case in people). It also helps his metabolism keep on working properly, maintaining proper functionality of vital organs, etc. This includes his heart rate, brain functions and breathing ability.
Other benefits your dog gets as a result of exercising include: more efficient elimination of body toxins, a strong immune system and lower levels of stress, etc.
In simple terms, the life quality of your dog is far higher if he gets regular exercise, and he’ll be less vulnerable to health problems of all types.
Taking your dog for regular walks has other benefits: it strengthens the bond between you, enabling you to read his body signs if his health isn’t in tip top shape. You also get good health as a result of walking all the time. To avoid you both getting bored of the same routine, vary where you walk and what you do. Hiking, walking along the beach, swimming (if he likes it), and newer locations all play a part in making exercise fun for both of you. Change the intensity and run, walk, jog, etc., will make it more enjoyable.

Avoid The Majority Of Supplements.

shetland sheepdog, Cancer in Dogs, why dogs get cancerSupplements can help give your dog all the essential nutrients he needs, as part of a well-planned, healthy diet. However, the supplements must be the correct ones. There are chews and treats that say they contain minerals and vitamins but are high in carbs, usually the simple, unhealthy type, to reduce the price and make it worse as an addition to your dog’s diet. Sadly, these unhealthy products are used by tumor cells that become full of cancer as they thrive. You wind up feeding the cancer instead of your dog.
Supplements of a high quality (e.g. fish oils) aren’t a magical cure for cancer and they can’t guarantee your dog won’t develop cancer. However, they do help make your pet healthy overall, so it’s not all bad news.
Buy natural snacks that are full of protein and one-ingredient treats as well. Always read the ingredients list on all dog food products before you make any purchases. Food for dogs and people say one thing on the front of the container but generally have a lot of bad addititions in the ingredients list (often in microscopic writing).
A diet high in protein will ensure your pet will maintain good muscles, repair and grow as healthy and strong as possible. If he develops cancer, he’s in the best position to defeat it. Studies have concluded that feeding him omega-3 fatty acids (from fish oils) strengthen his immune system and can hinder the growth of cancerous tumors.


dog cancerBecause most people lead very chaotic lifestyles, it can be simple to overlook certain parts of your dog’s routine. E.g. you might walk him along a concrete footpath beside a busy, polluted road instead of walking to a dog park because it’s easier to do.
It’s far from being the healthiest choice to make for your pet. He may be inhaling all the car emissions from cars zooming by. It’s impossible to know how he’s affected by this and it’s troubling.
Pesticides are dangerous to dogs if used in your garden or anywhere on the path you walk your dog. Dogs inhaling pesticides has been identified as an increase in cases of lymphoma in dogs. Don’t take your beloved pet anywhere he may be exposed to exhaust emissions or pesticides. Instead, visit parks and green spaces that aren’t farms and avoid heavy traffic roads.
There are also harmful things inside. For example, if you’re a smoker or use cleaning products that are harmful for your dog. Your dog can’t speak English to remind you these are bad habits that cause him harm so you need to think like a dog. If you do or use something that can pollute your pet’s lungs, STOP DOING IT!!


dog cancerYou would hate it if you were forced to remain inside every day so never assume that your pet thinks differently. Dogs were created by Mother Nature and they absolutely love running, sniffing, foraging and exploring everywhere they can visit.
When you adopt or purchase a puppy or dog, you take full responsibility for his life, including what he eats, how regularly he gets to go outside, and the state of his health. Never be complacent!
Although daylight hasn’t actually been shown to stop cancer directly, it does help, and also contributes to your beloved pet’s overall state of health. Unfiltered, natural daylight provides your dog with lots of health benefits. For example, it gets the crucial metabolic pathways going, of which some are hormonal.
Daylight triggers your pet’s circadian rhythm, which has responsibility for many things including:
• Regeneration of cells.
• Production of hormones.
• Brainwave activity patterns.
• Important biological processes.
To maximize benefits, your dog should have exposure to changing sunlight. For example: take him out in the early morning, around lunchtime and at sunset. If you can’t do all three because of work or other commitments, he should be taken outside at least once so he doesn’t experience being alone in complete blackness while it’s daytime. If he’s home alone, keep blinds and curtains open. If your schedule is too rigid, perhaps pay somebody to take your pet for walks during daylight hours.
Daylight is an element that will affect your dog’s moods. He’ll feel calmer and relaxed if he can spend lots of time outside; maybe you have seen how happy he is when he’s interacting with nature. The sun is very powerful, even when it’s Winter. Allow your dog to be a dog!

Stress, Depression, and Frustration.

To the uninitiated, it may seem ridiculous but how your dog feels emotionally may be directly linked to the level of risk of cancer. A dog’s immune system can be weakened if he’s suffering from emotional stress, making him more likely to develop diseases such as cancer.
Dogs are sentient, intelligent animals intensely sensitive to of any negativity within their immediate area. Some say dogs have enough intelligence that they can empathize with the emotions of people. This is the reason why you need to be careful of what you say to your family and your pets. Avoid exposing your pet to intense negative emotions and if you’re yelling at somebody else, think of him as you may be stressing him out.
Your dog can become depressed and/or frustrated if you don’t walk him enough.
Dogs don’t watch TV or read books but they can get bored. Physiologically, dogs
Were made to spend time outside, enjoying nature. Yes, they do enjoy snuggling up with you each evening, they need to be stimulated by playing and walking and the benefits associated with sunlight (as mentioned previously).
It would be ridiculous to purchase a dog and believe his life commences when you arrive home from work. If you’re concerned about him being on his own for the whole day, think about hiring someone to play and/or walk him during the day time.

Decrease Your Use Of Tick and Flea Products.

dog cancerMany dog tick and flea products allegedly contain carcinogenic insecticides various
carcinogenic insecticides such as tetrachlorvinphos. These are believed to cause cancer. Many typical tick and flea collars also contain these toxic substances in harmful amounts and can be fatal if absorbed by the dog’s skin or ingested orally.
Most modern flea products now have higher margins of safety since this discovery. They’ll use natural insecticides (e.g. deltamethrin) that are much safer for people and canines. Homeopathic flea and tick collars rely on all natural ingredients, including peppermint and lemongrass, instead of toxic chemicals. Always choose the safest product when buying anything for your dog.
When you deal with products that have the potential to enter your pet’s digestive tract or bloodstream, always take every precaution. Read labels properly and, if unsure about anything, Google them or talk to an expert.
The same applies with products for cats. Ensure nothing you use for your cat can hurt your dog in any way. Each animal is physiologically different so what might be perfectly safe for your cat but it’s possibly lethal for your dog, and vice versa.
Providing your dog with a healthy lifestyle will assist him live a long, happy and healthy life free from cancer.

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pomeranian dog

What To Feed Your Senior Dog

What To Feed Your Senior DogWhen do you think of your dog as being senior? A vet will say this is when a dog is in the last third of their life expectancy. A poodle generally lives to 15 years and becomes a senior at age 10. A golden retriever has a life expectancy of 13 years so he’s a senior at 8-9 years old.

However, these facts don’t always ring true because dogs can die earlier or later than predicted. Your dog may have health issues such as partial hearing or sight loss. Other dogs may become clumsier than usual, sometimes for the above reasons but they may have bone or muscle issues. If you notice any odd behaviour in your dog, take him to the vet for a check-up.

As your dog ages, he’ll become less active because his energy levels have decreased. You may have to reduce the volume of food you give him to prevent weight gain in his older years. You may wish to buy special diet food made especially for senior dogs. Ask your vet before trying such food as some of the foods have a lot of protein and you can’t give more protein to your dog if he has renal failure.

As a dog gets older, the risk of constipation is higher. His digestive system and stomach aren’t as efficient as they were when he was younger. Ensure there’s lots of fibre in his diet (3% – 5%). Make sure he drinks lots of water because that helps with constipation as well. Watch him when he is doing potty to see if it’s easy or hard to do. If it’s harder, talk to the vet about what you can do to ease the problem.

As dogs become seniors, many are more prone to arthritis. Your dog needs daily supplements to help prevent this. Golden Retrievers are notorious dogs for developing hip joint and arthritis issues as they grow older. Keep his joints healthy so your dog can move around freely. Vets generally suggest a supplement containing chondroitin and glucosamine as these help with arthritis.

Vitamins help because as your dog ages, he can’t absorb as many electrolytes and vitamins and so they get lost. Many senior dogs eat less food so they don’t get sufficient nutrients. Your dog also needs lots of essential fatty acids that also help with the side effects of arthritis.

Owners of senior dogs often have problems with feeding their dogs. The dog will stop eating suddenly and the owner rings the vet desperately seeking advice. It may be a sign of something more serious BUT it’s usually a result of the dog’s mouth and teeth. As a dog grows older, his teeth also age and he may have difficulty chewing food in the way he did as a youngster. Moisten his kibble, or use smaller pieces. Moisten other food with water to soften it for him to eat easier.

Older dogs may stop liking foods they used to love. Try different things. Warm his food. Add boiled eggs or broth and chicken. Your vet may allow you to give him a small amount of bacon dripping or hamburger grease for moisture and flavour.

As your dog grows older, he deserves the best food you can find for him. Don’t be stingy in that aspect of his care. Many people use the BARF (bones and raw food) diet because it’s easier to chew raw food and the vegetables are generally pureed.
This diet has loads of nutrients and sometimes gives your dog some of his old energy.

Other benefits include: helping prevent weight gain and easing arthritis symptoms common in many seniors. However, not every senior will like the BARF diet so you can just try it and see because the benefits greatly outweigh the possibility he may not like eating it so you have nothing to lose.

Some owners give their senior dog more table scraps because they feel a little guilty that he won’t be around for too much longer and so they’re happy to indulge him for his remaining years. The idea may be fine but it may trigger extra problems your dog may not have yet.

Watching a beloved dog age is tough. Giving him the best possible diet to help him enjoy his senior years is one way to make him feel more comfortable.

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American, Eskimo, Dog

Foods That Are Harmful For Dogs

There are many foods that humans eat with perfect safety, BUT if the same food is fed to dogs, it could poison them. Admittedly, it can be tough when you’re enjoying a slice of delicious chocolate cake while your dog is drooling at your feet but refuses to give in and offer a little to him.

While such foods may cause you to gain weight, your beloved pet could suffer due to a momentary lapse in judgment on your part. Here are some of the foods dogs must never be allowed to eat.

The list includes chocolate, coffee, tea, caffeine, onions, avocado, garlic, alcohol, grapes, macadamia and other types of nuts, fruit seeds, yeast, raw eggs, dough, wild mushrooms, xylitol, fat trimmings, salt, cooked bones, and some human medications.

Avocados are top of this list because they carry a fungicidal toxin (persin) that’s harmless to humans but can be dangerous for dogs. Pepsin exists in avocado plants’ fruit, bark, seeds, and leaves, so be very careful if you grow them at home.

Alcohol is far from being the ideal liquid to keep people hydrated. It’s not good for dogs, either. The effect it has on a person’s liver and brain also happens to dogs, but the effects happen much faster. A very small amount of alcohol in a dog can cause diarrhea, vomiting, depression, and poor coordination. In worse cases, it can affect breathing, may send a dog into a coma, and may even prove fatal.

Garlic also sits high on this same list. Garlic is controversial. Some say not to feed dogs with it, and others say you can. So it’s a personal choice, but it’s best to err on caution.

Onions are bad, regardless of the form they’re in when consumed. They can destroy red blood cells within the circulation system, causing hemolytic anemia. Some forms of baby powder even contain ground-up onions, so read labels properly. Onions may cause vomiting, anemia, a dull coat, breathing trouble, anorexia, and perhaps kidney problems.

It’s unclear how much should be consumed before it causes major problems, but it’s more likely that the effect will be cumulative. So, if your dog ate a small amount once or twice, it’s unlikely to cause any harm.

Tea, coffee, and other forms of caffeine can cause restlessness, muscle tremors, fits, bleeding, and heart palpitations, and if enough is consumed, it may prove fatal. There’s caffeine in chocolate and certain medications so your dog can’t have ANY!

Raisins, sultanas, currants, and grapes are all poisonous to dogs. They can cause permanent kidney problems and may even be fatal. Give your 20-pound dog four raisins, etc., and he’ll become ill.

Symptoms may include lethargy, vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, depression, and reduced urinary output. Symptoms may take up to 24 hours to manifest but can occur as soon as 4-5 hours after consumption.

If consumed, nuts such as pecans, pistachios, and almonds are dangerous for dogs. Macadamia nuts appear to be the worst nut of all. They can cause serious side effects, and death may result if the feeding continues.

Even a few raw or roasted macadamias may cause weakness, muscle tremors, fever, vomiting, and an increased heart rate. Adding chocolate to any nut magnifies the problems immensely. Symptoms may take 24 hours but could appear within 6 hours.

Pistachios are high in fat and can trigger an upset stomach. Over time, consumption of these nuts can cause pancreatitis to develop.

Black walnuts have been known to upset a dog’s stomach and even cause an obstruction if swallowed whole. Moldy black walnuts are more harmful. They have toxins made by a fungus, loss of control over muscles, and vomiting.

Japanese and English walnuts have a mold that releases a dangerous tremorgenic mycotoxin that can cause seizures and muscle tremors in dogs. Pecans and hickory nuts follow the black walnut pattern.

Hickory nuts and walnuts can vary in the symptoms they cause a dog. Fresh nuts aren’t as dangerous as moldy nuts. Dogs love almonds but can’t have them because they can upset a dog’s stomach. Moldy hickory nuts also contain tremorgenic mycotoxin.

Chocolate is delicious, but all forms are bad for your beloved dog. White chocolate causes the same issues as normal chocolate. Unsweetened baking and Dark chocolate are the most toxic of all chocolate varieties. 2 ounces of baking chocolate can poison a 20-pound dog. It would take 20 ounces of normal milk chocolate to cause the same damage.

Theobromine is the toxic component of this tempting crowd-pleaser. If your pet is given any at all, symptoms include tremors, diarrhea, vomiting, increased thirst, abnormal heartbeat, coma, and possibly death.

Cherries, persimmons, plums, apple seeds, and peaches aren’t harmful to dogs as far as the fruit goes. The pits or seeds cause these fruits to be included in this list. Small dogs will often eat pits. These contain a known toxic agent harmful to people as well as dogs. The agent is cyanide. It may block the dog’s intestines if that’s not bad enough. Dogs can eat apples as long as the fruit has been cored first.

Raw eggs appeal to dogs but must be cooked before they can eat them. There are two reasons why they need cooking.

  1. There’s a high risk of E.coli or Salmonella bacteria causing food poisoning.
  2. A specific enzyme within the raw eggs hinders the dog’s ability to absorb a

particular vitamin B. Skin and coat problems may occur if raw eggs are fed over a long period.

Yeast dough must be left to rise in a place where the dog can’t get to it. If a dog eats some of the rising dough, it will keep rising inside his tiny stomach. The dough will inevitably stretch the skin and cause intense pain…and the dough may ferment in the dog’s stomach and cause alcohol poisoning.

Xylitol is a chemical sweetener manufacturers often use in sugarless gum, mouthwashes, toothpaste, and certain medications. It’s also an ingredient in lots of safe baked goods for humans to eat. Xylitol raises insulin levels and can cause hypoglycemia. Symptoms dogs may have after consuming this chemical include lethargy, vomiting, bad coordination, seizures, and perhaps liver failure.

Wild Mushrooms grow in the wild and can also grow in people’s backyards. Humans know to sample things before fully eating them. Dogs have an overwhelming curiosity to try anything they see.

The toxins contained in wild mushrooms can cause severe damage to the brain, kidneys, liver, and other organs if consumed. Symptoms include seizures, vomiting, coma, and death. People should check their yards regularly to eliminate any mushrooms that start growing.

Bones and fat trimmings are well-loved by dogs but aren’t good for you or your beloved dog. This is the uncooked or cooked fat people have trimmed off meat because they didn’t want it. Too much of this can cause pancreatitis.

Cooked bones are the most harmful for dogs. They may splinter or break while being chewed, and this can cause lacerations, cuts, and other similar problems in the mouth and digestive wall. They can cause choking or obstructions. Fish bones cause no problems if uncooked, so using them in raw diets is normal.

Salt can cause extreme thirst and excess urinary output for your dog if he has too much salt in his food. If a dog’s salt intake is high, it’s possible to contract sodium ion poisoning. Symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, fever, tremors, and seizures, and may sometimes prove fatal. Think twice before letting your dog have salty food of any type.

Iron tablets are good for humans but may be dangerous for dogs. Some people believe it’s fine to feed their dogs the same foods as their children without first checking if they are safe for dogs.

There are lots of drugs that are OK for dogs as well as people. However, others may cause severe symptoms, and so should be avoided. Iron tablets for people may cause damage to the intestines and stomach wall, thereby poisonous to your kidneys and liver.

Ok, vitamins aren’t food. However, some might argue about that. This was included in the list of foods considered toxic to dogs…to see if you could catch this “error.”

It is more about medications that are fine for people and ones you can give a dog. Prevention is much cheaper than a more expensive cure. Increase your knowledge of foods that are bad for dogs, and your home will be less likely to be harmful for your dog because he won’t be able to get at anything dangerous.

Events can happen in a split second.

What’s your first move if you think your dog has eaten something poisonous to him?

Keep your vet and 24-hour emergency vet hospital details close by so you can ring when you realize you need urgent help.

Disclaimer: The Content is not a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian with any questions you may have regarding your dog’s medical condition. Never disregard professional advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on ANY website.

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