
Bernese Mountain Dog Pros and Cons

Bernese Mountain Dog Pros and Cons – An In-Depth Look

Learn all you need to know about the Bernese Mountain Dog before taking the plunge into pet parenthood! Get an overview of its pros and cons from practical, friendly, and authoritative advice at CaninePals.Com.

Do you think loyalty does not exist in this cruel world anymore? You probably haven’t met a Bernese Mountain dog if you answer yes.

Bernese Mountain Dogs are the most intelligent, trainable, witty, and cuddly dogs. They love to be around their owners all the time. In fact, if you have a Bernese Mountain dog in your life, you wouldn’t find any time to get bored.

Bernese Mountain Dogs are very playful and protective around the people they are familiar with, so they are more than safe around children. You may leave a child with a Bernese dog without caring for their safety. Bernese makes the best family dogs due to their friendliness and mellow personality.

Whether you live alone or are a family, Bernese Mountain dogs are perfect pets. However, like every breed, Bernese Mountain Dog pros and cons exist, which are stated in detail, along with other important facts about the Bernese breed that an owner must be familiar with.

So scroll down and get to know this delightful true-hearted dog better and be ready to fall in love with the wide-eyed Bernese beauty.

Is It Wise to Adopt a Bernese Mountain Dog? Bernese Mountain Dogs’ Pros and Cons

Bernese Mountain Dogs’ Pros and Cons
Bernese Mountain Dogs’ Pros and Cons

Bernese Mountain DogHistory and Origin

Bernese Mountain Dogs are known as the Berners worldwide. Having Swiss origin, farmers traditionally used Bernese dogs to pull heavy carts, protect families, and watch after the kettle.

Bernese dogs possess remarkable strength and can pull up approximately 1000 pounds, up to 10 times their original weight. There used to be karting competitions between Bernese mountain dogs in the suburbs.

Villagers used them to pull carts from one area to another, but they started to become extinct around the 20th century when other means of transportation became accessible.

The Bernese Mountain Dog is among the four types of Swiss Mountain dogs but is the only one with a silky, long coat. He thrives in the cold, mountainous weather where he comes from and was originally named after the Canton of Bern.

These dogs were used on farms for herding cattle, pulling carts, and being a family companion. He performs in events including obedience, tracking, agility, conformation, therapy, herding, and carting.

Bernese Mountain Dog Appearance

Dating back to the Canton of Bern, Bernese is one of the four Swiss Mountain dogs with long hair. The distinctive feature of Bernese Mountain Dogs is their tri-colored thick coat with an upper layer of long hair and an under layer of thin hair. Their double-layered coat makes them more suitable for cold areas, and Bernese cannot do well in a warmer climate.

Beneath the beautiful tri-colored coat, Bernese mountain dogs have well-built, athletic bodies due to their history of being hardworking and versatile farmland dogs. They have very expressive and alluring wide eyes with overall innocent-looking toy-like attractive features. They are the most common dog faces representing the dog family in pictures in children’s books or as doggie toys.

Like other Swiss dogs, his tri-colors are white, rust, and black. He needs a fair amount of exercise, and he also needs regular brushing because he sheds. As an easy-going, calm dog, he’s very good for families as he feels the strong urge to be with people and is happiest that way. He stands 23 – 27.5 inches high.

Bernese Mountain Dog Temperament

Do not let Berner’s energy and size fool you; inside this giant-looking sturdy dog, the body is a heart of gold. Bernese Mountain Dogs are the most loyal, sweet, and friendly companions.

Besides kettle herding, people also used to rear Bernese Mountain Dog for companionship to kill loneliness. To date, they are known for their eagerness to please their masters and their protectiveness.

Bernese Mountain Dogs can make the best adopting option for people who are naïve by nature as these dogs are easily trainable and possess a nonchalant personality.

Note: Bernese mountain dogs are intelligent, but their physical and mental progression is relatively slower than other breeds, so you must consider that your Bernese Mountain Dog’s puppyish attitude will be there for quite a while.

Wonderful Family Dog Breed

Not many dog breeds make good family dogs, but Bernese mountain dogs are an exception with striking features, trustworthy nature, high trainability factor, and smartness, Bernese ticks all the boxes of being an ideal family dog.

They are careful around children, helpful around aged, and alluringly playful around adults, so having a Bernese Mountain Dog in your house is like 24/7 entertainment and companionship.

Bernese Mountain Dog Breed Attitude

If the term people pleasing had a face, it would be of a Bernese Mountain Dog. These goofy Furballs want to be around the crowd all the time and are on their toes to please their masters.

Bernese respond quickly to pieces of training and positive reinforcement due to their innate need for obedience and owner-pleasing. You may feel like training a Bernese Mountain Dog is easier than training a kid, even though the former is a different species.

Bernese Mountain Dog Lifespan

The downside of having to rear a Bernese Mountain Dog is that it comes with heartbreak. The lifespan of Bernese Mountain Dogs is very short, and they only live for a maximum of seven to ten years. Of course, losing a dog who is so sweet and loyal is not easy for the owner, and their heartaches for days after.

Even if a Berner has an overall good health profile, they cannot make it more than ten years, for that is the limit of their life expectancy. Most owners reported that they cannot recover from the trauma of losing their lovely pet because Bernese is too sweet to lose.

Bernese Mountain Dogs’ Pros and Cons
Bernese Mountain Dogs’ Pros and Cons

Bernese Mountain Dog Grooming and Maintenance

Having a dog with a long-haired coat comes with a price. Bernese are frequent shedders, and you cannot buy a Bernese Mountain Dog without buying a vacuum to clean after him, which is another downside of owning this breed.

If you are a clean freak and cannot stand hair strands in different corners of your house, Bernese Mountain Dogs may not be the right choice as they shed like crazy, especially around fall and spring.

Besides shedding, you must trim their nails and clean their ears regularly. Apart from that, Berneses do not have uptight personalities; they have an easy-going attitude and are not high maintenance.

Suitable Environment for A Bernese Mountain Dog

If Bernese is an apartment dog is one of the most frequently asked questions.

Unfortunately, Bernese are not apartment dogs;

  1. a) due to their size and
  2. b) due to their activity level.

Bernese Mountain Dogs are uncomfortable in small areas, so if you want a pet to confine in a small place, this breed is not for you. Regular strolls, socialization opportunities, and a backyard to play in are a must for the Bernese Mountain Dog; otherwise, you would not be able to match the high energy level of your pup.

Bernese has this tendency to work hard- blame their origin. They may want to help you around, and sitting idle is just not in their genes, so either craft indoor dog activities to exhaust your fur-genie or assign him a daily task to curb his labor instincts.

If you cannot manage to engage your dog in different activities, the least you can do is buy a dog treadmill so that your Berner would get the chance to delve into daily exercise, and you would be able to rein in his energy level while keeping the extra calories at bay. Win-Win.

A Bernese Mountain Dog Cannot Withstand Isolation

If you have made a posh kennel for the dog you want to adopt, refrain from adopting a Bernese mountain dog because this breed does not appreciate even the most comfortable places unless they keep seeing humans around.

You may have to keep a Bernese Mountain Dog somewhere in the house where it would have frequent encounters with you and other family members. Bernese Mountain Dogs cannot bear the isolation and need to see the owner frequently; otherwise, separation anxiety starts to kick in, leading to various behavioral problems like loud barking, chewing on stuff, or digging.

If you stay outside for long hours due to work, ensure your dog has company, or he will go crazy, and his howling will drive the neighborhood nuts.

Bernese Mountain Dogs’ Pros and Cons
Bernese Mountain Dogs’ Pros and Cons

How often Should you Groom a Bernese Mountain Dog?

It’s a myth that dogs with long-hair coats must be washed frequently. More hair follicles on the body produce more natural oil, which repels the dirt and debris from accumulating and keeps the body odor away.

Bernese Mountain Dogs do not need to be bathed monthly; a bathing schedule of once every two and a half or three months is absolutely fine. However, to maintain a silky and healthy-looking Bernese Mountain Dog coat, here are some tips to follow;

Brush the Coat with a Pin Brush

A pin brush must be used to brush a Bernese coat to effectively remove dead hair strands and detangle the hair perfectly. Brushing the coat at least once a week distributes the natural oils of the body evenly on the skin, making the coat look shiny and healthy.

Check for Fleas and Ticks

The thicker the coat, the greater the chances of fleas and ticks to make a home inside. Bugs like fleas and ticks survive better in a warmer environment, and what else could be warmer than the thick coat of a double-layered dog?

Since Bernese has the thickest coat, they are always at risk of hosting fleas and ticks, so you must be extra cautious. Comb their hair with a special silicone comb designed to pull out bugs from dogs’ hair, and use the anti-fleas spray occasionally to prevent bugs and parasites.

Do not forget to check their skin folds, such as elbows, armpits, ear folds, and under-knees, as these are sites where bugs hide.

Note: If you do not want to use chemicals on your dog, you can make your homemade anti-flea spray by mixing two parts distilled water, one part baking soda, and one part lemon juice. Mix the ingredients in a bottle, shake well, and your anti-bugs spray is ready. Spray it generously on your dog once every two weeks.


Give your Bernese Mountain Dog a good wash once every two to three months. Use an organic and moisturizing shampoo to clean out dirt and debris. Use a hairdryer at a slow speed to dry the Bernese dog’s thick coat.

Do not bathe your Bernese Mountain Dog puppy every month, as overwashing can lead to dry skin, which causes itchiness and dermatitis in dogs. If you feel like priming your dog more often, gently rub it with a washcloth soaked in warm water.

Bernese Mountain Dog Allergies- Are they High Maintenance? 

These breeds suffer from various inherent allergies and diseases thanks to a Bernese Mountain Dog backyard breeding culture and restricted gene pool. The ratio of disease in Bernese Mountain dogs is similar to other regular dogs, and they are not high maintenance but rather an easy-going breed.

Bernese Mountain Dogs are susceptible to developing a certain type of cancer, hip dysplasia, eye cataracts, and skin atopy. To ensure your pup remains healthy, adopt one from a quality breeder and pay regular visits to the vet for vaccines and overall health maintenance.

Note: Bernese mountain dogs are dangerous for people with severe allergies because they are not hypoallergenic and shed hair strands with allergy-triggering dander. People allergic to dog fur may witness shortness of breath, watery eyes, and red spots on the body after frequent close encounters with the Berner.

When to Spay Bernese Mountain Dog?

Early spaying triggers phobias, trust issues, anxiety, and fear in puppies. Bernese Mountain Dogs should not be spayed before four to nine months, depending upon the vet’s suggestion after considering your dog’s medical profile, weight, and age.

Ideally, a male pup is set to spay around six months of age and the female before her first heating cycle, which is also around five to six months.

Bernese Mountain Dog Pros and Cons
Bernese Mountain Dog Pros and Cons

Bernese Mountain Dog Pros and Cons Verdict

A Bernese Mountain Dog’s friendly disposition, gentle attitude, loyalty, and devotion make it an ideal family pet. Provide a Bernese Mountain Dog with consistent grooming, an open space to play in, and joyful company, and watch your dog thrive into the world’s most gregarious and affectionate being.

Berneses are happier and feel included when they are a part of the family and do not appreciate living alone, so get a Bernese Mountain Dog only if you are ready to let your dog indulge in family activities.

They are smart but sensitive and get hurt if their owners are rude or rough with them, so prospective Bernese Mountain Dog owners must learn how to behave around a Bernese Mountain Dog to reciprocate their alluring loyalty and sweet companionship.

Find out all about the price of a Bernese Mountain Dog.

Copyright CaninePals.Com. All Rights Reserved.

References and Further Reading:

[1] American Kennel Club, Bernese Mountain Dog Information.

How Much Does a Bernese Mountain Dog Cost?

How Much Does a Bernese Mountain Dog Cost? How Much Is This Special Pup?

Looking to get a Bernese Mountain Dog? CaninePals.Com has all the answers you need to make an informed decision, from cost and availability to practical tips for caring for a Berner.

Interested in knowing how much a Bernese Mountain dog costs? This article will highlight all FAQs you need to know to plan your finances. Keep reading so the pet doesn’t become a financial burden on your wallet!

Sturdy, powerful, yet sweet-natured, Bernese Mountain dogs are amongst the gentlest giants of the dog kingdom. The lovely Fido’s teddy bear-like appearance is taking the world by storm. “But what exactly is the price of a Bernese Mountain dog?”

Well, the answer to this question may vary depending on multiple factors. Yet you will have a better idea if we dig into the initial Bernese Mountain dog price along with food, treats, and medical expenses.

Initial Bernese Mountain Dog Cost

The Bernese Mountain dog price depends on your location and dog breed. A Bernese Mountain dog is likely to fall between $800 to 2000 dollars, with an average cost of $1200. If the fluffy doggo is in the US, the price can range from $1000 to $2000.

If it’s in the UK, the price range could be anywhere between £1300 to £2,000. Of course, the price increases for dogs with a superior bloodline. The cost of Bernese Mountain dogs with an exceptional bloodline typically starts from $2500 and can reach up to $10,000 or more.

This magnificent dog breed is a bit heavy on the pricey side. But you can always adopt one from rescue centers for much less. Adoption not only provides a dog with a forever home, it also saves some bucks in the process. It’s a win-win!

Bernese Mountain Dog Cost Explained
Bernese Mountain Dog Cost Explained

Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy Price

These adorable-looking, friendly-natured puppies are highly intelligent and trainable. They make excellent companions and watchdogs. Bernese Mountain dog puppy prices range between $675 to $1995. The average cost of a 6-month-old Bernese Mountain puppy is around 1200 dollars. For pure-breed puppies, the prices can significantly alter. You can expect to pay as high as $6500.

Bernese Mountain Dog Rescue

If you want to adopt an affordable family pet, rescue is your way to go. Breed-specific rescue organizations are an excellent way to find the best fit for your family. The individuals running such organizations are pretty committed. They are extremely knowledgeable about the particular breed and always consider an ideal family for their dogs.

Plus, most rescuers formulate a special bond with adoptable dogs. They are the ones who spend a lot of time with dogs. Rescuers can effectively guide you through valuable insights into a dog’s personality, needs, and behavior.

Rescue is always a great option. A reliable rescue center is your hint if you want to adopt an adult canine on a budget. Most rescue center dogs have already been obedience trained and housebroken. If that’s your Bernese Mountain dog’s case, you have definitely hit the jackpot.

Cost of Bernese Mountain Dog From a Rescue

The cost of Bernese Mountain dogs from rescue centers is way more affordable than you can imagine. The price of these gentle giants from rescue organizations is much lower than purchasing a pup through a dog breeder.

Adopting a dog from breed-specific rescue organizations usually comes with an adoption fee of $300-$400. The cost of adoption significantly reduces if you plan on adopting through animal shelters. It will cost you under $100.

Choosing an older dog is a good way to save some bucks. But depending on the age and health of your dog, it could result in some serious medical expenses down the road.

Taking care of a senior dog is often more expensive than a puppy. Of course, you can avoid these expenses by adopting a little one. But it feels great to know that you are providing a senior dog with a lovely home for his final years.

How Much Does a Bernese Mountain Dog Cost?
How Much Does a Bernese Mountain Dog Cost?

Buying a Bernese Mountain Pup From Dog Breeders

Bernese Mountain dogs from reputable breeders are the costliest on the list. Yes, prices greatly vary from breeder to breeder. But getting a puppy from a breeder means you have a heavy pocket to pay more for the purer bloodlines.

A Bernese Mountain dog puppy may cost you $800 to $1800 from trustworthy breeders. Puppies having physical features in line with the breed standards may cost even more!

Crazy it sounds; you can cut a lot of cost by picking a dog having loops-sided markings instead of symmetrical markings! Just have a look at the Bernese Mountain dog breed standard on the American Kennel Club’s site.

If you are looking for a show dog, we recommend getting a puppy with prize lineage. However, adopting a Bernese Mountain is way more economical if you are in for a family pet. Always research the breeder.

Make sure the puppy is in great health. You can also ask for medical records to see if there is any history of medical conditions.

Remember, a healthy pup is a happy pup. Investing in a fit pooch saves a fortune in the long run.

Cost of Bernese Mountain Dog on Craigslist

It’s not bizarre to find some of the most expensive dog breeds available for sale on Craigslist. Bernese Mountain Dogs have no exception as well.

You may feel attracted to these pups because of their lower-than-market prices. However, not every advertisement is a dream come true!

Most of these low-priced puppies are a product of backyard breeders. Some of them are from puppy mills. Of course, not all advertisements are red alerts. Some legit breeders also list pure-breed dogs on Craigslist to reach a broader audience.

It’s always necessary to complete your research before committing to any of these online pets. If anything about the breeder or advertised dog seems Off, pass it on.

Lastly, don’t forget to peek at your local animal shelter. You may get your perfect pup there, who will gladly spend his days with you!

This is the initial cost of owning a Bernese Mountain dog. Needless to say, it is just the beginning. There are a lot more aspects to consider before bringing a pup home.

You also need to account for the ongoing care expenses of Bernese Mountain dogs. The ongoing care cost includes vet fees, food, treats, training, grooming, and other general expenses (toys, etc.).

Bernese Mountain Dog Cost
Bernese Mountain Dog Cost

Cost of Owning a Bernese Mountain Dog

No doubt, the initial cost of bringing a Bernese Mountain dog home is quite expensive. But that’s not the end of it. You have to analyze other ongoing maintenance and care expenses as well.
However, Bernese Mountain Dogs are loyal and affectionate dogs. This lovely pal’s delightful presence and companionship make up for his cost.

We bet you won’t regret this decision! Remember that this particular pooch belongs to a large breed of dogs. So naturally, it requires a lot of food to stay healthy, which can become pricey.
Let’s look at other expenses of keeping a Bernese Mountain dog:


Creating a monthly budget before bringing this gentle giant home is a good idea. This pup belongs to a large breed of dogs and has a big appetite. The average weight of Bernese Mountain dogs is around 80 to 115 pounds. They require hearty meals to maintain their energy levels.

You can expect your Bernese Mountain pal to eat 4-6 cups of food every day. But food intake depends on your fido’s size and activity level. If you are unsure how much food you should offer a Bernese Mountain dog, consult your vet and let him suggest what’s best for your furball.

Food is something that is directly associated with your dog’s health status and activity level. Quality food usually costs around $2-3 a pound but offers better nutrition and digestibility.
You can easily get a 30-pound dog food bag for $55. This bag carries 120 cups of dog food.

Suppose the appropriate diet of your Bernese fur ball is 5 cups a day. That means a 30-pound dog food bag is enough to feed your Bernese Mountain pooch for 24 days. You will need 15 bags of dog food, costing around $825 per year. And don’t forget about some delicious treats. How else is the good boy going to know he did well?

A large dog like Bernese Mountain needs a few tasty treats daily. It supplements their diet. Plus, it’s an excellent way to appreciate your snuggle buddy’s good behavior.
The price of a good quality bag of dog treats varies from $5 to $10. This bag is enough to keep your lovely pet happy for a month.

Veterinary Expenses

An important factor you shouldn’t ignore in the cost of a Bernese Mountain dog is how much vet expenses will cost. No dog breed is free from certain health conditions. Sadly, the major health concern for a Bernese Mountain dog is cancer.

A Bernese Mountain dog can suffer from different types of cancer, such as malignant histiocytosis. Lymphosarcoma, osteosarcoma, mast cell tumor, and fibrosarcoma.
Other major health concerns to look out for include:

• Arthritis (inflammation of the joints)
• Hip dysplasia (Hip socket’s unnatural development)
• Cruciate ligament rupture. (Unstable knee joints)
• Elbow dysplasia (Front leg lameness)
• Osteochondrosis (A condition affecting growing cartilage)
• Aseptic meningitis (A disease-causing intense neck pain, sudden fever, and painful muscle spasms)
The average cost to treat these health issues is as follows
• Elbow dysplasia- $1500-$4000
• Osteochondrosis- $2000-$4000
• Aseptic meningitis- $1500-$4000
• Hip dysplasia- $1500-$6000

This might sound scary, but don’t let these medical expenses put you off getting a great companion. These are just words of caution.

There are chances that your sweet fur baby will be perfectly healthy. The fido might not require costly vet care if kept in the best health. Yet, it is wise to prepare for the worst.


Bernese Mountain Dog puppies have luxurious and fluffy coats. Their unique coat requires frequent grooming to keep it smooth and silky.

You may need to bathe this bundle of fuzz regularly. A dog-friendly shampoo can do the trick.

Grooming also comes with clipping the nails. We won’t suggest doing it yourself if you are a newbie pet lover. It’s better to leave it for the professionals.

Consulting a professional dog groomer for nail trimming will cost $10 a session.


These good-looking teddy bears have a wonderful nature. They are widely known for their loyal, faithful, affectionate, and intelligent personalities.

Bernese dogs always look for ways to please their humans. Training this doggo isn’t that challenging.

You can enroll your pooch in group training lessons. Usually, these sessions are for 4 to 8 weeks, costing $50 to $125.

Bernese Mountain Dog Cost
Bernese Mountain Dog Cost

Why should I get a Bernese Mountain Dog?

Now that we have walked you through all the expenses, you might think, why should I get such a costly dog? Well, we have what you are looking for.

These expenses may look like a fortune but are spread throughout a canine’s life. Coverage from pet expenses also keeps medical bills down.

  • Male Bernese Mountain dogs stand 25 to 27.5 inches tall.
  • Female Bernese Mountain Dogs have a magnificent height of 23 to 26 inches.
  • Males weigh 80 to 115 pounds, while females weigh 70 to 95 pounds.
  • Both genders have a sturdy build.

Despite their muscular physic, the Bernese Mountain dog is one of the sweetest and friendliest dog breeds ever. They shower their families with unlimited affection.

Bernese is dear with kids and super friendly with other pets. This relieves many pet lovers living with small kids and delicate pets.

These dogs may seem bigger in size, but they don’t require much exercise. A daily walk and access to any nearby open area for leg stretch are sufficient to keep them happy.

Final Words on Bernese Mountain Dog Cost

Undoubtedly, Bernese Mountain Dog puppies will be a great fit for many families. But it is better to create a financial plan before falling for them. It will help you provide your dog with the comfortable life he deserves. Pets are our responsibility; such lovely responsibilities shouldn’t be dealt with like a financial burden.
Copyright CaninePals.Com. All Rights Reserved.

References and Further Reading:

[1] American Kennel Club, Bernese Mountain Dog Information.