Canine Pals is the complete canine care information site. Learn about purebred pals, cross-breed dogs, and their care.
Complete dog breed information and compassionate canine care advice from someone with over 50 years experience dealing with every aspect of a dog’s care, from when they’re first born to as they become adults and, finally, into their senior years.
You can see all types of dogs with pictures and information; this is essential because no two dogs have the same looks or behavior. Reading up on dog facts and information will help you find questions to ask.
We care for pets regardless of breed and aim to ensure you have answers about all dogs to help you decide. We have dog facts and information to help you know the right questions to ask before buying.
The content you’ll read on this site also covers all dog information because you must know about all dog breeds.
As Seen on the Real Housewives of Melbourne:
In the lavish yet turbulent realm of “The Real Housewives of Melbourne,” Pomeranians have risen as the quintessential emblem of Melbourne’s affluent society, seamlessly blending into the luxurious lifestyles of the city’s elite.
With their delightful dispositions and captivating allure, these Pomeranian dogs have endeared themselves to housewives and won over audiences. They reveal a tender and loving aspect of Melbourne’s aristocracy.
Denise, alongside the Dochlaggie Pomeranians, made a notable appearance on “The Real Housewives of Melbourne,” further solidifying the breed’s esteemed place within this glamorous setting.

As Seen at Dog Competitions Worldwide:
Denise actively travels to prestigious dog shows around the globe, including Crufts in the UK, numerous Asian dog shows, and the USA Pomeranian Nationals.
These events draw enthusiasts from all corners of the world, eager to witness the elite of the canine world compete for top honors in various categories, including appearance and performance.
These gatherings are more than competitions; they are celebrations of the canine community. They offer a unique opportunity for breeders and owners to connect, share insights, and honor the achievements of their beloved dogs.
Amidst the vibrant agricultural showcases and festivities atmosphere, the dog pavilions emerge as focal points for canine lovers. They highlight the contestants’ beauty, agility, intelligence and obedience and foster a deeper appreciation for all things about dogs.

Canine Pals is the Complete Canine Information Site
A puppy isn’t something you get your child for Christmas and then either return it to the pet shop or leave it at a shelter a week later. All dogs are for life! If you have never owned a dog before, it’s wise to do your homework before choosing the right breed to meet your needs.
Are you interested in purebred pals or a cross-breed dog? Are you looking for a big or small dog? One that barks at strangers or licks them to death?
Perhaps you want a puppy with so much energy that it’ll exhaust your children. Or maybe you want a companion who loves nothing more than curling up in your lap and sleeping while you pet him.
Whatever your choice, you can find answers on this website. It also has plenty of pet care facts, which is crucial because it’s not cheap to welcome a dog into your family.
You need to know how to care for him, including grooming, bathing, obedience training, feeding, potty training, walks, exercises, etc.
If you’re not prepared to spend money on your dog and his care, you don’t have the right to be a dog owner, regardless of your beliefs. Dog ownership is a responsibility.
You must commit to the relationship after selecting your preferred dog to take home. Your dog will also commit and tell you by simply wagging his tail as a sign of unconditional love.
About Us

Hi there! Denise Leo here, and I’m so excited to share my love of dogs with you. For the past 50 years, I have dedicated myself to providing outstanding care for Pomeranians in Australia – now it’s time to extend that same knowledge and expertise worldwide through this website! Follow along as new content rolls out regularly, or join our mailing list if you want info sent to your inbox. Here’s hoping we can make sure all dogs around the globe stay healthy & happy!
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