Chinese Crested Dog Price


Complete Details of Chinese Crested Price

Last Updated on March 19, 2024 by Denise Leo. Post first published on November 12, 2022.

Do you want to know how much are Chinese Crested puppies? This article explains all about this wonderful toy-sized dog breed and gives full details of the Chinese Crested price.

Suffering heartbreak or going through loneliness? Looking for a therapeutic pet who would instantly brighten up your mood and lift away all the bleaks and blahs? Think no more and get yourself the most vibrant, cheerful, and frisky fur-baby aka the Chinese Crested. Out of all toy breeds the Chinese Crested dog is known for its liveliness and companionship traits.

It’s a compact-sized dog who would find ultimate happiness in pleasing his master and keeps roaming around the one, so you may get this toy dog only if you are ready to share your personal space. The Chinese crested dog is very physical and wants to be held a little more than other breeds which is why they make the best lap dogs for maximum huddle and cuddle.

If the term puppy love had a face it would be of a Chinese Crested dog. They are also very attention-seeking and social dogs so you may feel you have got a pretty little toddler who demands love and attention all the time. However, unlike cats or other dog breeds, they prefer to reflect emotions big time and express as much affection towards their dog parents as they can. He’s a great pet, is very playful, and is gentle with children.

Chinese Crested price
Chinese Crested price

How Much are Chinese Crested Puppies?

Chinese Crested dog prices are on the higher end and it is an expensive dog. You may adopt an adult and in such a case, a Chinese Crested cost would be $300 only, however, if you plan to buy a puppy then the price of a Chinese Crested dog ranges from $1000 to $4000.

This fluctuation in the Chinese Crested price often confuses dog owners. The difference is rather in the quality of the breeder than the dog itself. Getting a Chinese Crested puppy from any next-door breeder may cost you $1200-$2200 but buying the same dog from a reputable and top-notch breeder would cost you around $3000-$4000 for a single Chinese Crested pup.

The average cost of a Chinese crested puppy also depends upon the place you are getting it from. Some common options to get a puppy are;

Backyard breeders:

Often people jump into the dog breeding business with little or no experience. They do not follow proper rules of breeding and cause more harm than good due to their inexperience. These people are called backyard breeders.

They sell puppies at relatively lower prices, but the quality of the breed remains questionable. Depending upon the reputation of the backyard breeder, the price of a Chinese crested dog would range from $800-$1200.

Dog Shelters:

if you have a limited budget, you may contact dog shelters or adoption centers for dogs. They often have good quality dogs and charge you only the amount they have spent on that particular dog after its admission in the adoption center. Chinese crested price in a dog shelter ranges from $300-$600 0nly.

Reputable Breeders:

For a premium quality Chinese Crested puppy, you may expand your budget and contact a reputable breeder. These types of breeders take care of all the rules and regulations passed by AKC (American Kennel Club) and promote healthy breeding culture. They may cost you a fortune, but their quality is worth the money. On average, the price of a Chinese crested hairless dog from a reputable breeder would lie somewhere between $3000 to $4000.

The given for Chinese Crested hairless dogs cost quoted usually does not cover the shipping charges so you may add those as well before estimating the total expense.

Chinese Crested Dog
Chinese Crested Puppy

What are the other factors that may impact Chinese Crested Dog Price?

Several other factors may affect the price of Chinese crested dogs- let’s have a quick look and figure out the cost of owning a Chinese crested puppy.


Almost all dogs need vaccinations to prevent parvo, rabies, tick fever, and other dog-related viruses. Vaccination adds to the total cost thus if your selected breeder has already given you a high price you may ask him to cover the first round of vaccines at that cost as well.

Veterinarian checkup:

After the birth of puppies, a vet must check them thoroughly to screen out possible genetic illnesses such as seizures, deafness, PRA (progressive retinal atrophy, patellar luxation, periodontal problems, and eye ailments. Covering medical checkup expenses would also add to the Chinese crested cost.

Dog Breeder’s reputation:

A  major cause of the higher price of Chinese Crested dogs is the reputation of the breeder. Worthier the name of a breeder in the market, the higher the Chinese Crested cost. However, reputable breeders do cover vaccination and medical profile expenses in the final quote they offer, which is a notable sign of their standard.

Chinese Crested Dog Price
Chinese Crested Dog Price

About the Chinese Crested Dog Breed

The Chinese Crested originated from China and some areas of South Africa in the early 1200 century. According to a popular impression, seamen used to keep these dogs on the ships as curios and often sold them to merchants in exchange for other goods. That is how they made it to other corners of the world.

The Chinese Crested has two types; the Hairless has silky, soft hair on his head, a plumed tail, and socks on his feet. He’s smooth wherever there’s no hair. The Powderpuff has a double coat of straight, soft hair. Both types can come from one litter. This dog used to sail with Chinese mariners and is thought to have descended from the African hairless dogs. When China had plagues, this dog used to hunt the vermin on ships.

In the late 1800s, the Chinese Crested dog appeared in American dog shows. He also appeared in European artwork in the mid-nineteenth century. Due to lack of hair, he gets more allergies, sunburn, and skin problems so owners must take extra care.

First Look:

The Crested variety as its name suggests, has a beautiful crest of silky hair from head to neck. It comes in two distinct varieties as per the type of coat. One is hairless and the other is full of hair called “Powder-puff”.  However, even the hairless Chinese Crested dog has hair around the head, toes, and tail. Overall it has a very fairy-tale character-like look with beautiful hair, a small lean body, and naturally upright ears.

Height and Weight:

The average height for a Chinese Crested male is 13 inches whereas a female of the same breed can be 11 inches at max. Their weight ranges between 5-12 pounds for both male and female dogs.


Chinese Crested is a very vivacious and active breed. This lively and full-of-energy dog dares to keep its master on its toes and you cannot even say no to its cutest pony-like expressions and innocent face. Chinese Crested dogs are harmless for children but are not recommended to leave unattended around toddlers or children because of their fragile bodies.


They are relatively harder to train so it is better to hire professional help beforehand if you are adopting a grownup Chinese Crested dog. In the case of buying a puppy, you may need to learn tricks and techniques for taming your pup according to your house rules. Their ability to drool, bark, and dig is also at the lower extreme so they are not hard to handle overall.


This toy breed requires good maintenance of its smooth coat and silky hair. They are average shedders, provided the dog parent regularly brushes their coats and gives baths at least once a week.

Summers are their best friends and they are prone to distress in case of cold. You may need to be extra cautious around them in winter. They cannot survive cold without wearing a sweater so you may get one tailored for your fur brownie. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause sunburns on hairless types of Chinese Crested dogs, therefore never forget to apply sunblock generously on your baby’s skin before going to the beach party.

Out of the two, the powder-puff Chinese crested requires extensive care and proper grooming due to the long coat. The hairless type requires minimal effort to be presentable because their coat naturally has a polished and refined look.

Life span:

The average lifespan of a Chinese Crested dog is 12 to 15 years. Most dog parents mark the years of having this dog as the most vibrant and lively days of their life.

Activity level:

The Chinese Crested dog may appear fancy but it’s a very millennial dog breed that does not require huge backyards or gardens for optimal growth. These dogs can adapt to apartment cultures quickly and make the best pets for people who have smaller living spaces. They do need indoor activities and up to 30 minutes of exercise daily to remain active.

Litter size:

The average litter size for a Chinese Crested dog is 2-5 puppies. Mostly a litter includes 3-4 puppies however since it’s a small dog, two puppies are also very common.

Is the Chinese Crested a High-Maintenance Dog?

Chinese Crested price
Chinese Crested price

Due to the high price of a Chinese Crested puppy, you may think it is a high-maintenance dog which is not true. This sweetest and most affectionate toy dog breed requires only subtle care and support for proper growth.

If you plan to present your dog in a show then you may need to up your game otherwise a balanced diet, daily walks, regular coat care, and visit to the vet are good enough for keeping a Chinese crested at their best.

Chinese Crested dogs love to be indulged in gentle games and indoor play so as an owner you may need to spend quality time with your puppy. They are also known to be very sensitive and do not appreciate loud noises. In case of distress, they want to be held more often however holding them a lot can make them timid and nervous or even antisocial in some cases so be watchful of your dog’s behavior.

Chinese Crested dogs are not known for intelligence so you may feel bad if your friend wants to discuss his pet’s wittiness however the two are incomparable. Chinese crested also make for it with their compassion, loyalty, and desire to please their owner.

Chinese Crested Dog
Chinese Crested Dog

How to Take Care of a Chinese Crested Dog?

As a dog parent you may want only the best for your fur baby so here are some guidelines that you can follow in the best interest of your Chinese-crested dog.

  • Brush your dog’s coat every week with the help of a wooden comb of soft bristles and check for any kind of ticks or fleas. Use medicated shampoos as per the instructions of the vet to prevent skin diseases.
  • The Chinese Crested have a primitive mouth with canine-like teeth so brush their teeth regularly and prevent periodontal diseases.
  • If you have a hairless type of Chinese Crested dog you may need to invest in good skincare cream and sunblock to avoid skin rashes or sunburns because these dogs have very delicate skin.
  • Chinese Crested dogs emit heat but they do require warm clothing in winter, especially the hairless dogs, so do not forget to layer them up.
  • Like other small dogs, Chinese Crested also love a fresh and high-quality dog food diet and likes to eat in small pieces. Meaty treats are their favorite and they appreciate traditional kibbles. Serve your dog a high-quality dog food for proper bone and muscle development.
  • Overall Chinese Crested dogs are fun-loving and energetic. They do not bug their owners and remain cooperative so if you ever notice unusual behavior, immediately call the vet.
  • Never skip routine vaccinations, pet insurance and medical checkups. Maintaining a medical profile not only helps your pet in achieving good health but also increases the reselling price.
  • Daily strolls and indoor activities are also necessary for Chinese Crested dogs. They are comfortable around strangers so taking them out would be hassle-free.
  • Chinese Crested dogs are susceptible to progressive movement disorders so a proper screening before buying or adopting a puppy is mandatory. Smaller dogs are also prone to bone fractures so you may need to take care of their movements. Restrain them from high jumps and do not encourage tough play to avoid mishaps.
Chinese Crested Dog Price
Chinese Crested Dog Price

Final Word on Chinese Crested Price:

The Chinese Crested is one of the most adorable toy breed dogs. With their exceptional innocence and attractive features, they make people fall in love with them. For ages, the Chinese crested are known for their loyalty and affection towards their owners which is why they are recommended for families and even for the elderly.

The price of a Chinese Crested dog may seem a bit more as compared to other toy breeds but the qualities and appearance are worth it. Overall this sweetest-looking dog is a happy and zingy soul which possesses the ability to cheer his master up instantly after a rough day. So if you are prone to Monday blues, owning a Chinese Crested might be the best option for you.

Copyright CaninePals.Com. All Rights Reserved.

References and Further Reading:

[1] American Kennel Club, Chinese Crested Dog Information.



Chinese Crested Dog
Chinese Crested Dog
Chinese Crested dog Powder Puff
Chinese Crested dog Powder Puff
Chinese Crested dog Powder Puff
Chinese Crested dog Powder Puff




  • Denise Leo

    My name is Denise Leo, and I hail from Australia. My journey with dogs, especially with the delightful Pomeranian breed, has been a lifelong passion extending over 50 years. I have had the honor of breeding and exhibiting close to 100 Pomeranian Champions, dedicating many years to the intricate art of dog training across various disciplines. Beyond the show ring, my experience stretches to the pastoral fields as both a Dairy Farmer and Beef Cattle Breeder, where working with dogs of all breeds has been an integral part of my daily life. This diverse exposure has deepened my understanding and appreciation for these incredible animals. I firmly believe that dogs are the most extraordinary beings in our universe, capable of offering us unconditional love that surpasses even their own self-interest. The countless wonderful dogs that have shared my life over the years have not only brought immense joy and companionship but have also profoundly enriched my existence in ways I could never have imagined. About us page