Last Updated on September 1, 2023 by Denise Leo. Post first published on November 12, 2022.
Loyal, smart, intelligent, friendly, loving, powerful, hardworking, jovial personality, and umm… ugh… I lost my train of thought! All Newfies traits cannot be penned down at the same time. They are the all-in-one package.
The gentle giant breed with a broad skull, slightly arched crown-shaped head, and dark-brown almond-shaped eyes, small and triangular ears epitomize the Newfoundland dogs. None can have these intimidating features except Newfies.
They come in a range of adorable shades from jet black to white, from brown to grey, and in black and white combinations. Landseer was the first color of the Newfoundland breed. They never failed to steal the show with their eye-catching colors.
No doubt all traits rolled into one body are also expensive. Newfoundland dog cost is more than the average expected cost of other dogs. This article discusses everything you need to know about how much does a Newfoundland cost? It is the ultimate guide before you get Newfies for yourself!

How Much Does a Newfoundland Dog Cost?
The cost of buying a Newfoundland ranges between $600 and $2000, with an average cost of $1,200 depending upon the dog breed and the reputable breeder you’re buying from. It is recommended to go for a trustworthy, reputable breeder as it is important for the dog’s health.
Newfies are double the size of average dogs and triple in terms of expenses. The first-year expense costs around $3,930 and will eventually decrease to $2,305 per year.
The initial Newfoundland puppy cost includes:
- Health pet insurance
- Medical check-ups
- Health records
- Health certificate/license
- Physical exam by a renowned vet
- Microchip, and others
Cost of Supplies for a Newfoundland Dog:
Supplies help to welcome a Newfoundland puppy into your home more easily. After extensive research, it is concluded that the initial cost of supplies ranges between $254 and $925, with an average cost of $495. However, in subsequent years the average supplies cost will decrease to $225.
The estimated cost of supplies chart will help you to make a well-analyzed decision:
Supplies Price | Range ($) | Average Cost ($) |
Premium dog food & water bowls | $10 – $40 | $20 |
Leash | $10 – $30 | $15 |
Dog Collars | $10 – $40 | $20 |
ID tag with phone number | $5 – $20 | $10 |
Dog Crate (48″ or 60″) | $50 – $165 | $90 |
Dog Bed (48″ or 60″) | $30 – $110 | $60 |
Pooper Scooper | $10 – $30 | $20 |
Plastic Poop Bags (900-1080) | $15 – $110 | $55 |
Stains and Odors Removal Spray | $5 – $20 | $10 |
House Training Pads (75-100) | $15 – $45 | $25 |
First-Aid Kit | $15 – $50 | $30 |
Toys | $50 – $155 | $90 |
Brush | $5 – $45 | $15 |
Shampoo | $5 – $20 | $10 |
Tooth-brushing Kit | $5 – $15 | $10 |
Toenail Clippers | $5 – $30 | $15 |
Cost of Professional Training:
Newfoundland dogs don’t necessarily require professional training. However, a few group lessons by expert trainers cater to basic commands, obedience, and socialization. The Newfoundland cost of professional training ranges between $150 and $200 with an average cost of $175. The sessions are one hour long for up to five weeks.
Newfoundland Dog Price of Medical Requirements:
Yes! Owning Newfies also generates medical costs that ensure your furry pal is healthy and safe from diseases. A medical cost chart is estimated for your Newfies; however, the figures can vary depending upon the factors such as location.
Medical Cost | Range ($) | Average Cost ($) |
First-year vet cost | $440 – $855 | $650 |
Spay/Neuter (optional) | $50 – $500 | $275 |
Gastropexy (optional) | $200 – $400 | $300 |
Adult year vet cost | $525 – $1,025 | $775 |
According to renowned and licensed veterinarians Leslie Brooks, one must make an annual visit to a vet with his Newfie for timely exams, vaccines, blood tests, heartworm tests, and potential problems that are likely to arise in subsequent years. This may cost you $125 to $265.
Let’s have a look at some vital stats of Newfies and you can work out how much is a Newfoundland Puppy:
Stats | Description |
Dog Breed Group | Working group |
Purpose | Working dog |
AKC Breed Popularity | Ranks 40 out of 197 |
Average Height | 28 inches (male), 26 inches (female) |
Weight Range | 130-150 pounds (male), 100-120 |
Temperament | Sweet and devoted |
Energy Level | Moderate |
Features | A gentle, sweet-natured, and playful dog |
Life Expectancy | 9 to 10 years |

About Newfoundland Dog History
The Newfoundland has a mysterious history with conflicting information. Some believe his ancestors were the Great Pyrenees. However, most agree that he came from Newfoundland (hence the name) and that fishermen brought him over from Europe. He was used to pull nets for fishermen and pulling wood in the forest. He also powered the blacksmith’s bellows because of his size and strength.
The Best Newfoundland Care Guide
He’s skilled at long-distance swimming and is a good lifesaver in the water. His coat protects him from the water’s icy coldness. He’s happy in the water or on land. He performs in obedience, conformation, agility, carting, water, drafting and tracking events in shows.
He’s highly intelligent and easy to train. He needs regular exercise because he’s quite active, although docile. His coat needs to be brushed frequently. His height is 26 – 28 inches.

Newfoundland Dogs Personality Traits
Newfoundland dogs have a phenomenal personality like no other dog breed on earth. Their level of commitment is unquestionable. This dog breed will surprise you with its Christmassy personality.
- Intelligent:
The Newfoundland dog breed is smarter than humans. They are intelligent and learn things quickly. They understand the process of working and happily help their owners in everything.
Never underestimate the intelligence of a Newfie. He will leave you speechless with his extraordinary work smartness.
- Loyal:
Want to understand the meaning of love and loyalty? Get Newfoundland dogs! They are one of the most loyal breeds. They form a strong bond with their owner and feel happy around him. The Newfies never enjoy walking alone in the backyard. Note: If they are left alone, they can develop separation anxiety.
- Trainability:
Challenge a Newfie and see an illusion! Newfoundland Dogs are always ready to learn things. They grab tricks and endure challenges. Training must begin from the early stages and must be kept in continuation. Important: Keep training sessions short and sweet to reinforce positive training behavior.
- Temperament:
As per the Newfoundland Club of America, ‘sweet temperament is the wow factor of this breed.’ Newfies have joyous and playful personalities. Despite their large size and razor-sharp teeth, their sweetness is unquestioned. Newfoundland Dogs are also known as nanny dogs. They are a good caretaker of your children. However, Newfies are not a good option to safeguard your home or flock. Pro-tip: Never ever take their sweetness for granted!
- Newfoundland Shedding:
Newfoundland is a double-coat dog, and a dog with a double-coat always shed. The amount of shedding varies as per the dog breed. Newfies shed twice a year. They blow their coats 24/7 and require a lot of grooming to maintain their coat. However, if you cannot handle Newfoundland shedding and their hair sticks on your clothes every time, then this dog breed is not for you!
- Stamina:
Newfies were originally bred as a working dog. They always adore the working environment, where owners are ready to train them and give them challenges.They are not couch potatoes! Their maliciously strong bones can haul loads by carts, and their unique swimming style helps them to drag the boat to a safer destination. They require proper training because of their high enduring nature.
- Stubborn:
Remember, Newfies are smart and are happily willing to obey your commands. Yes, but they can be stubborn too. Imagine they are lying on your doorstep, and you ask them to move. If they don’t obey your command, it means they don’t want to. Once they smacked down and decided not to move, your endless effort is meaningless. They will keep gazing into your eyes and won’t take any action.
Information On Newfoundland Dogs Health Issues
Just like every other dog breed, Newfoundland dogs have health issues associated with them too. This doesn’t mean you cannot own a Newf. A healthy diet, routine exercise, weight management, and timely medical check-ups increase their life expectancy.
Many Newfies live a long, happy life with no major health concerns; however, few pups may experience some problems, which is why a cautious lifestyle is preferable. Consider some common Newfoundland health issues before tieing a long-lasting knot with them.

- Allergies:
Newfies suffer from skin infections due to filthy allergies. These allergies may be triggered because of food, environment, or seasonal changes. These allergies can also make them smell stinky.
- Hot Spots:
Hot spots, skin irritation that causes red spots on the skin. It may occur due to parasites present in the dog’s body, allergies, bacterial infection, or anxiety. However, regular grooming and a proper diet can overcome the disease.
- Ear Infection:
Newfoundland Dogs have huge, hefty ears with slim; confined canals are prone to ear infections when not properly cleaned and maintained. The ear infection is caused due to environmental or seasonal change, inadequate or low-quality food, or allergies.
- Arthritis:
Morning stiffness, laziness, or joint inflammation are a sign of arthritis. Newfies may experience arthritis in the neck, spine, and joints. However, maintaining a healthy body and weight can lower the risk.
All About Newfoundland Coat Care
Newfoundland dogs have water-resistant double coats. The outer is generally rough and long, and the inner coat is soft and dense. A large dog breed with pretty long hair and a thick coat needs frequent grooming to keep their coats healthy and shiny.
Professional Newfoundland coat care is costly! Give it a try and groom them by all yourself and save your money! Quality grooming supplies are a must. Save yourself time and energy by buying high-quality grooming supplies.
● Brushing and Untangling Hair:
Tip 01: Brush and untangle the Newfies coats at least once a week to limit the Newfoundland shedding and transform their rough coat into healthy and shiny.
Note: During the spring season, Newfies undergo a heavy shedding process. Comb them daily to control shedding.
Tip 02: Use a large slicker brush on Newfies coat to purge mats. Brush the coat in the hair growth direction. With slow and short strokes, try to gently untangle the coat and clear mat. However, if purging is difficult, cut it down using a pair of scissors.
Tip 03: Use a large wire-pin brush or a firm bristle brush to comb the dog’s coat. Start from the head using long, gentle strokes, down to shoulders, then back and end at legs and tail.
Tip 04: Lift the outer coat, and comb the inner coat using a wire-pin brush. Use gentle and short strokes to untangle.
Note: Comb the inner coat in the opposite direction of hair growth.
● Newfies Coat Trimming:
Tip 01: Carefully trim the dog’s fur around the neck, ears, legs, chest, and tail. Trimming hair around the ears increases the airflow into the ear canal, which keeps them dry and prevents bacterial infections.
Tip 02: Use a grooming rake, hold it at a 45-degree angle to the dog’s body and trim the fur from the dog’s chest. Gently move the rake in the hair growth direction. Note: Take frequent breaks and remove the dead hair from the rake.
Tip 03: Trimming the fur between legs and toes prevents allergies and bacterial infections. Use a pair of shears and prune the excess hair present on the dog’s legs. Important: This can be risky if the dog is not cooperative. Give him a bounty for positive behavior.
● Give Baths:
Tip 01: Give Newfies bath only when needed. An unnecessary bath dries the coat and causes skin problems such as itching. It is recommended to shower them twice a year.
Tip 02: Fill the bathing tub with lukewarm water for up to 6 to 8 inches. Enthrall the dog into the tub. Use a handheld shower to pour water and massage him to clean the double coat.
Tip 03: Drip a few droplets of shampoo and deeply massage the double coat to clean him up. Make sure you thoroughly rinse the shampoo once you’re done to avoid skin dryness and itchiness. Use a large bath towel and a blow dryer to dry the dog. Important: A bath mitt can also be used as a grooming tool to easily divvy up the lather.
Owning a Newfoundland Dog:
They are just not a dog; they are a lifestyle, a phrase that defines everything about Newfoundland Dogs.
Owning a Newfoundland is not a piece of cake because not everyone is ready to change their lifestyle. Adding this furry breed to your life will require a lot of time for training, socializing, and grooming them. They will love you with all their heart.
Imagine, every time you walk in the door, he throws a welcome party. Isn’t it a sign of pure love? That’s not it. The lamp or a flower vase on your side table will eventually fall apart with a happy tail.
Couch? Which couch? Get yourself another one because the old one is now a Newfoundland’s property. Stop seeking clean carpets! They are not clean anymore because you’ve got Newfies in your home.
Forget about your clean house. 150-pound shedding and drooling machine have taken over your clean home. Give them daily physical and mental exercise and see the magic of these smart creatures. They will learn to open your refrigerator in no time and will find your concealed secrets.
Although they are huge giant fluff ball puppy doesn’t mean they gulp a lot of food. Because if you’re feeding them high-quality premium dog food, then quantity doesn’t matter. The toughest and most expensive breed will reward your life with its happy-go-lucky personality. Once you have Newfies in your life, there’s no going back!

Last Words on Newfoundland Dog Cost:
Outshine your life with Newfies! Newfies are a perfect reflection of all dogs’ personalities. The muscular and heavy-boned canine, massive chest, happy face, powerful legs, and slightly duck feet for swimming emblems their strength.
Although Newfoundland puppy costs are much more than other dog breeds, their generosity and kind nature outrank everything. These furry pals can double up your expenses but it is worth it! They also double-up your laugh, double-up enjoyment, and double-up your cries with all the best moments!
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References and Further Reading: