
Cane Corso Male vs Female

Cane Corso Male vs Female Explained in Detail

The Cane Corso is a large, ancient breed of dog that originated in Italy. Dogs vary greatly by sex and temperament – male Cane Corsos are typically more aggressive than females, with an average life span of 10 years, while female dogs can live up to 10 or 12 years.

They are loyal, confident, and agile pets. Despite their huge size, the Cane Corso temperament is gentle and affectionate with family, including kids. They are best suited to experienced dog parents.

According to the American Kennel Club, Cane Corso is the 32nd most popular dog breed. They are highly intelligent but have an independent nature.

Cane Corsos were bred to hunt wild boars, and today, they act as a reliable watchdog. The original purpose for the development of this gentle giant was as a hunting companion; they were bred to assist hunters who would use them on boar hunts where their size enabled them both to be able to hold prey down until it could be killed and provide protection from wild animals at night. The males tended towards being more territorial.

Cane Corso Male vs. Female Quick Facts

  • Cane Corso males are larger in size and have a more muscular build than females.
  • If you’re an experienced owner, the male Cane Corso is perfect for your household. They can be stubborn and dominant with their personalities, so make sure everyone in charge knows what they need from this dog before adopting one!
  • Female Cane Corsos are the perfect pets for those who have never owned a Cane Corso dog. They’re easy to train; you can expect them to be sweet-tempered and intelligent!
  • Cane Corsos make excellent guard dogs due to their strong territorial instincts and protective natures.
  • Females are typically better with small children than males and are often used as therapy dogs.

The Cane Corso male is an excellent choice for a pet or guard dog, while the female is ideal for families with older children.

Cane Corso Male vs Female
Cane Corso Male vs Female

Cane Corso Temperament Male vs Female

Dog breeds are very different in temperament, and one thing that can make a breed stand out is whether they’re male or female. In the case of Cane Corso dogs, males tend to be more aggressive than females because they need this trait for protection from other animals like bears. The female Cane Corso has been known to be less energetic and more affectionate towards their owners because they usually have no aggression whatsoever.

Size Difference Between Male and Female Cane Corso

For most dog breeds, it’s common to find males larger and heavier than females, which generally holds true for the Cane Corso.
However, size can differ among individuals, and it’s not always the case that males are bigger than females. So, while this size difference is often the most noticeable distinction between the genders in these dogs, there are exceptions to this trend.

Male and female Cane Corso differ in their size. For example, males usually stand 25 to 27 inches tall, while females can measure up to 26 inches tall.


It’s crucial to recognize that Cane Corsos, while not inherently aggressive, possesses an instinct to protect. This large dog breed requires proper training and socialization from an early age to manage these tendencies effectively.

Particularly, male Cane Corsos and those that are intact (unneutered) may exhibit a dominant nature, which can escalate to aggression if not correctly handled.

On the other hand, female Cane Corsos may display aggression in situations where they perceive a threat to their puppies or territory.

Despite these tendencies, the Cane Corso breed is protective rather than aggressive. Proper training and proper socialization are key to nurturing well-adjusted behaviors in these dogs.

Regarding cohabitation, male Cane Corsos are often more aggressive towards other males, and similarly, females may show aggression towards other females. Therefore, if keeping multiple Cane Corsos, consider pairing them with differing genders to mitigate potential conflicts.

Male Cane Corso

Female Cane Corso

Dominant and can be aggressive

Softer natured and prefer male owners

Harder than female Cane Corso to train

Easy to train

A large, strong dog which is slightly bigger than females of the breed

Smaller in size than the male Cane Corso

Male Cane Corso dogs are recommended for male owners

The milder natured female Cane Corso is more suited to inexperienced owners

What is the Temperament of a Cane Corso?

Corsos are intelligent, loyal, eager to please, and very loyal to their humans. However, they can also be assertive and willful with a dominating personality. Cane Corsos are humble and affectionate dogs, but only towards their family. This breed is sensitive and understands tonal variations.

Cane Corsos are more athletic, agile, energetic, and adventurous than the other mastiff breeds. They require personal interaction and lots of companionship. Corsos enjoy time with their owners, whether it’s a vigorous play session, a long walk, or just sitting on the couch.

It is no surprise that all Corsos share the following personalities:

  • Loyal and courageous: Corsos were bred to guard homes, families, and livestock. They are extremely loyal to the family. This dog is an exceptional protector of its family and home. Since Corsos are loyal, they are obedient dogs and will do anything to please their human companions. The Cane Corsos display a courageous temperament and can take on large animals.
  • Independent: Cane Corsos have a bossy nature and can sometimes be dominant, strong-willed, stubborn, and independent. Giving up is not at all their character! Corsos have independent minds and are not pushovers to raise and train. Cane Corsos are difficult to house train. To keep a Corso, you must take on the challenges and its independent nature.
  • Intelligent: The Corsos are very intelligent dogs. They have a good memory, understand human tone variations, and react properly to gestures. They can be trained easily, but this needs to be done sensitively and with variety. Corsos do so well in dog sports such as fetch, agility, and flyball. 
  •  Affectionate: Cane Corso is docile and very affectionate towards their family, including children. If Corso puppies are socialized properly, they make a wonderful family dog. They bond very closely with their family. Corsos can be confrontational with other dogs when they are not socialized properly.
  • Watchdogs: Cane Corsos have a strong prey drive and are reliable watchdogs. They are suspicious of strangers and can be overly cautious or assertive if not socialized properly. They are always quick to sound an alarm if they find someone suspicious around the house.
  • Playful: Cane Corsos are highly playful dogs. Fetch, frisbee toss, and ball games will keep them happy and engaged. Corsos will enjoy spending time and playing with their human companions. They seek to win and don’t lose graciously. Cane Corsos must be taught to play nicely from puppyhood.
  • Doesn’t tolerate being alone: These gentle giant dogs crave companionship and attention. It is not a good idea to leave Cane Corsos all by themselves as you go for a walk or to work. They are more prone to worry or even panic when left alone by their owner. Cane Corsos tend to be anxious, bored, and lonely when left alone. They can become problematic and destructive due to separation anxiety
  • Sensitive: Cane Corsos are moderately sensitive dogs. They cannot easily handle inconsistent routines, noisy environments, and chaotic households. Corsos understands your tone of voice and responds well to positive reinforcement techniques.
  • Vigorous: Cane Corsos have a vigorous temperament. They are sporty, energetic, love to have a job, and ready to meet any challenge. They might strain on the leash, try to plow through obstacles, and even eat and drink with big gulps.

The temperament of a Cane Corso is also shaped by raising and training. Like all dogs, Corsos need early socialization and exposure to many different people, sights, sounds, and experiences during puppyhood. 

Cane Corso
Cane Corso


Are Cane Corsos Good With Kids?

A well-trained Cane Corso is gentle, affectionate, and friendly with kids. Children should still be supervised during playtime despite being friendly and loving with children. Train your Cane Corso to learn how to function in public settings.

Try to keep a watchful eye on your Cane Corso while it’s around kids. Learn to pick up specific cues and behavior when it reaches aggressive tendencies.

Cane Corsos might be the world’s gentlest dog, but they are playful, large, and powerful. There’s room for any potential mishaps.

Due to their large size, they are best suited to a family with older kids. Teach your kids to respect the Cane Corso and understand their strengths and capabilities. 

Are Cane Corsos Good With Other Dogs?

Cane Corsos are not a good fit for families with other dogs. They are moderately friendly towards other dogs but pretty aggressive around dogs of the same sex. They can live peacefully with other dogs when they are brought up with them from puppyhood.

Cane Corso Temperament
Cane Corso Temperament

If a Corso is angry being around other dogs, it is because it wasn’t introduced to them early. If you want your Cane Corso to get along with other pups, you must start early and reward them for good behavior. 

Are Cane Corsos Good With Cats and Small Animals?

The Cane Corso is a big dog with a strong prey drive but can be trained to get along with cats. A Cane Corso can live harmoniously with cats from puppyhood if brought up with them. It has to learn that the cat is also a family member.

A Cane Corso likely views strange animals as prey and does its best to kill them. Early socialization and obedience training may help curb this behavior. However, family members should remain vigilant and supervise interactions with neighbors’ cats.

Are Cane Corsos Good With Strangers?

When it comes to strangers, Cane Corsos are very protective. Corsos are serious and self-assured with strangers. However, they are generally mild-mannered unless aroused. They tend to bark at strangers and unfamiliar people.

Cane Corso Facts

The Cane Corso originated in Italy and is a large-boned, muscular dog. Before 1988, he only seemed to exist in Southern Italy and was a rare dog to find, but he has appeared in numerous paintings throughout Italy’s rich history.

His coat is short, thick, and coarse and is waterproof. It can be gray, fawn, black, or red or have brindle varieties in color, and the dog might also have a gray or black mask.

He’s easy to train and needs lots of exercise because he’s athletic. He’s very affectionate and bonds closely with families and children.

His coat sheds lightly, so it only needs the occasional brush.

Let’s Have a Look At Some Vital Stats of Cane Corso:



Dog Breed Group

Working Group




Affectionate, Smart, Loyal, Majestic 

Average Height

25-27.5 inches (male), 23.5-26 inches (female)

Weight Range

88 to 120 pounds

Grooming Needs


Exercise Requirements


Other names

Italian Mastiff

Life Expectancy

10-11 years 

Cane Corso Dog
Cane Corso Dog

How to Have a Well-Rounded Cane Corso?

A Cane Corso puppy is like a blank canvas of love, energy, adventure, and excitement. Here are a few ideas for raising a well-mannered and happy dog to have a well-rounded Corso. You can take these steps to ensure that your Cane Corso will grow up to be a well-rounded pooch:

  • Socialization is one of the most important concepts of dog ownership. Corsos need early socialization and exposure to many different people, pets, places, loud sounds, sights, and experiences during puppyhood. The most crucial socialization period is between 3 and 14 weeks of age.
  • Give a lot of love and attention to your Corso. Make sure to spend time regularly with your pooch. 
  • Do not aggressively punish your dog. The Cane Corso does not respond well to yelling and harsh treatment. 
  • Feed your dog a healthy and balanced diet. Learn about ingredients and your Corso puppy’s dietary needs.
  • Physical exercise helps keep your Cane Corso’s heart, lungs, joints, and digestive systems in optimum condition. It will also remove their excess energy. Fetch games, agility, sledding, and frisbee toss are great ways to remove their pent-up energy.
  • For Cane Corsos, training needs to be reinforced over the course of your dog’s life. Training a Corso pup takes time and effort. It would be best if you were patient with your furry friend. 
  • Use positive reinforcement techniques and reward the good behavior of your dog. Cane Corsos are sensitive and feel special every time they are rewarded with praise and rewards.
  • It would be best if you were consistent with your Corso. Lack of consistency might reinforce the negative behavior. Try to have realistic expectations for what a puppy is capable of.

Many behavioral problems have roots in a dog’s early upbringing. Set limits from the start, and your Cane Corso will be a wonderful companion. 

Canine Corso Health Issues

The Cane Corso, a majestic breed with roots stretching back to Ancient Rome, is known for its role as a farm dog and a formidable bodyguard dog. Characterized by a large head and powerful build, this breed has a reputation for being a good choice for a family pet, capable of forming strong bonds with its owners. Despite their imposing appearance and territorial behavior, Cane Corsos are often great family pets, showing a significant difference in demeanor when around their loved ones compared to strangers.

However, like many large breeds, the Cane Corso faces several health issues that prospective owners should be aware of. Hip dysplasia is a common concern in these dogs, affecting their overall health and mobility. It’s a health issue where the fit between the hip joint and thigh bone isn’t as it should be, leading to arthritis and pain. This condition is something that both male and female counterparts can inherit, so it’s important to seek a reputable breeder who screens for this problem.

Regular check-ups with your veterinarian are key to managing this condition and ensuring the proper care of your Cane Corso.

Another health issue to be aware of is idiopathic epilepsy, which can lead to mood swings and seizures. This condition underscores the importance of regular veterinary visits to manage potential health complications effectively. For male Cane Corsos, testicular cancer is a concern, especially as they age, again emphasizing the need for regular health screenings.

First-time owners should carefully consider if the Cane Corso is the right breed for them. They are only sometimes the best fits for those unfamiliar with the needs of such a robust breed.

Cane Corso puppies, while adorable, will grow into large, powerful dogs that require consistent training and socialization to thrive in different environments. Their background as farm dogs and guardians means they have innate protective instincts, which can manifest as territorial behavior if not properly managed.

When selecting a Cane Corso, it’s vital to understand the breed’s key differences and unique needs. Their potential health issues, from hip dysplasia to idiopathic epilepsy, necessitate a commitment to regular check-ups and an understanding of the proper care needed to maintain their health and happiness. With the right care and attention, Cane Corsos can be loyal and loving companions, fully embodying the ancient legacy of their lineage.

Parting Shot On Cane Corso Male vs Female

So, is there a difference between Cane Corso’s male and female dogs? The answer is both yes and no. There are some key physical differences, but there can be a lot of overlap personality-wise.

It ultimately comes down to what you’re looking for in a dog and your dog’s personality. Are you a first-time owner considering adding a Cane Corso to your family? If so, research and find the best breed for you – whether a male or female dog!

Male or female, a Cane Corso is an excellent dog breed to consider if you are looking for a loyal and protective pet. They make great family dogs and can be easily trained.

As with any large breed dog, it is essential to properly train and socialize your Cane Corso from a young age to ensure that they grow up into well-mannered adults. Have you ever owned a Cane Corso?

Choose a Corso puppy whose parents have a stable and friendly temperament. And who has been well-socialized by the breeder from birth? If you are a novice owner, work closely with a dog trainer who understands the mindset of guard dogs. If you have a yard and can give your dog plenty of love, attention, space, and exercise, then Cane Corso may be your dog breed!

Copyright CaninePals.Com. All Rights Reserved.

References and Further Reading:

[1] American Kennel Club, Cane Corso Dog Information.

Cane Corso Male vs Female
Cane Corso Male vs Female
Cane Corso
Cane Corso

Cane Corso dogs

Cane Corso Colors

Full and Complete Details about Cane Corso Colors

The Cane Corsos, also known as Italian Mastiffs, are athletic, agile, energetic, and powerful dogs that are gentle and affectionate with their family. They stand out wherever they go, and you can’t even walk down the street without drawing stares and having people ask to pet them. 

Corsos certainly make a statement, and there’s no doubt about that! Their distinctiveness can extend to their remarkable coat colors as well.

Picking a color for your Cane Corso can be one of the first big decisions! We’re going to take a look at different Cane Corso colors and the differences in each. 

Quick Facts About Cane Corso Colors

  • Cane Corsos come in seven officially recognized colors: black, black brindle, gray, gray brindle, fawn, red, and chestnut brindle.
  • Black Corsos have a deep coat that shines in the sunlight and is ideal for show dogs or watchdogs.
  • The other colors range from cream to brownish tan, with various masking shades around their eyes.
  • There are also unofficial Cane Corso colors such as blue/gray (dilute black pigment), chocolate/liver (solid brown version of a black Corso), and Isabella/tawny which is not considered an official color by AKC due to its recessive genes causing it to be prone to diseases.
  • Puppies can change color over time, but they won’t turn into a completely different color on the opposite end of the spectrum than what they were born with – just subtle changes like darkening or lightening occur over time as markings shrink or expand slightly when reaching maturity age.
  • Ultimately, no ‘best’ Cane Corso color is solely about personal preference! Health & temperament should always remain a top priority when considering adopting one.
Cane Corso Colors
Cane Corso Colors

What Colors Do Cane Corsos Come In?

Why settle for just one color type of Cane Corso when you can have several?

While Cane Corsos come in various colors and patterns, only seven breed colors are officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC). These colors are black, black brindle, gray, gray brindle, fawn, red, and chestnut brindle.

Take a look at the Cane Corso color chart: 


Coat Color AKC Accepted? 
Black Yes
Black Brindle Yes
Gray Yes
Gray Brindle Yes
Fawn Yes
Red Yes
Chestnut Brindle Yes
Isabella No
Chocolate/ Liver No
Formentino No

Let’s look at each coat color in more depth: 


You might think that this coat color of Cane Corsos would be boring, but these dogs have such deep, rich coats that they’re incredibly striking. These are stunning dogs, plain and simple. Other notable features of a black Cane Corsos are their black nose and brown eyes. They tend to have more airy undercoats compared with brindles or fawns.

Black color is produced through one of the two pigments in dogs, called eumelanin. A healthy black coat will shimmer brilliantly in direct sunlight. So, this coat color is particularly useful for show dogs as it helps to accentuate the Corso’s impressive musculature. Black Corso’s intimidating appearance will also make it an ideal watchdog.

Black Brindle 

Brindle black Corsos are known for their brown or red base and their brindle “tiger stripes,” which are black. This is a normal coloration for Corsos and doesn’t indicate any genetic anomaly.

Black Brindle Corsos have the longest life span among other breed colors. They were often used for hunting and described as tiger-striped dogs with huge jaws. In Italy, this coloration is referred to as ‘tigrato.’ 


Gray Corsos get their coat color from the recessive dilute gene(d), which inhibits the eumelanin production in a Corso’s coat. The dilute(d) recessive gene in Corsos will dilute black pigment to gray. The gray color is produced when Corso parents carry this dilute gene and pass it on to their offspring. Many breeders also call the gray shade ‘blue.’

The gray coat color is highly sought after and prized by many Corso lovers. Gray Corso puppies may lighten or darken as they mature.

Gray Brindle 

They have a brown base color, like the black brindle, and their stripes are grayish or blue. Their coat patterns appear blotchy at times but appear stunning like other Corso puppies. Gray brindle Corsos rarely have any brindling on the tips of their muzzles. These dogs have a longer life expectancy than their solid-colored cousins.


Fawn Corsos are very popular due to their striking appearance. Fawn Corso coats range from cream to brownish tan. Any shade of fawn, from light cream to brownish tan, is acceptable by AKC. 

Fawn is a gorgeous color that extends almost across the dog’s entire body. Most fawn Corsos have a black or gray mask, which means the coloring around their face is much darker than the rest of their body. The black or gray mask doesn’t go beyond their eyes. Some white markings on the throat, chin, chest, or pasterns are also acceptable.


The Red Cane Corso coat is developed through the pigment called pheomelanin. This red pigment concentration varies through different genetic pathways and results in an array of red shades.

Some Corsos have a deep mahogany shade, while others possess a pale champagne color. Red Corsos have a black or gray mask around their eyes, which are highly pigmented on their muzzles. Some red Cane Corso puppies are born with a black or blue saddle mark which fades as they mature.

Chestnut Brindle 

The chestnut brindle Corsos are another striped dog variety but are not as common as the black and gray brindle. This is because they can be challenging to breed. 

Chestnut brindle Corsos have a brown or red tone for their base, and their stripes are saturated reddish-brown. The stripes can vary from light to heavy and are sometimes difficult to distinguish from the black brindle. In dim lighting, they almost appear like a black brindles. However, the difference is very much visible in natural light.

Do Blue Cane Corsos Exist? 

According to AKC, the blue Cane Corso doesn’t exist. Instead of using blue to label a dilute of black pigment, they named the coat color gray. 

Some breeders and pet owners address their Corso with a steely-gray tone as blue Cane Corso. Blue and gray are used interchangeably by most Corso lovers. Perhaps it’s simply because blue sounds more exotic and exciting than gray. Gray Corsos also have a dilute gene that causes them to appear gray instead of black.

Cane Corso Puppies
Cane Corso Puppies

What Is The Rarest Cane Corso Color?

In addition to the seven officially recognized Cane Corso coat colors, there are several unofficial colors. However, the ones above are the only official Cane Corso colors.

Most of the other potential shades are gorgeous and mishmashes the official colors. These coat colors are uncommon because they are a result of recessive genes. They don’t indicate crossbreeding, as they can occur without genetic manipulation.

  • Blue Fawn/ Formentino  

A dilution of the fawn coloration, the Formentino Corso has a carbon-colored coat with a blue or gray nose and mask in addition to gray patches over his shoulders and back. They have unusual light-colored eyes too. Formentino Corsos have a lower life expectancy of 8 years and are prone to skin conditions.

  • Chocolate/ Liver 

These dogs have a solid chocolate or liver base color and look like the brown version of a black Cane Corso. Chocolate Corsos have a pinkish tone around their eyes and nose. They usually have green hazel eyes, which gives them a striking appearance. 

  • Isabella/ Tawny 

Isabella, tawny, or lilac coat is highly sought after but is considered a severe fault in Cane Corsos. They have a pinkish tinge to their noses, lips, and eyelids and often have green hazel eyes like the chocolate Corso. Tawny Corsos are more susceptible to diseases, such as Color Dilution Alopecia which can cause hair loss and skin irritation.


Why Do Corsos Have Many Different Coat Colors? 

Two types of pigments determine the color of Cane Corsos. The dark pigment is called “Eumelanin,” and the light pigment is called “Phaeomelanin.” These two pigments create all different color variations.

Eumelanin’s default color is black and codes for the black color spectrum. It can turn brown, gray, and pale brown when diluted. When modified, Phaeomelanin produces red, orange, gold, cream, tan, and other colors. Eumelanin is responsible for the color of the Cane Corso’s coat, eyes, and nose. Meanwhile, phaeomelanin only affects the Corso’s coat color.

Can Cane Corso Puppies Change Color?

Yes, like many dog breeds, Corso puppies can mature to have different colored coats from the ones they were born with. You’ll see the most significant change in their coats in the first year of life. The changes in their color are subtle, and they won’t turn into color on the opposite end of the spectrum.

Cane Corso puppies born light gray may develop a darker gray coat as they age. However, a black Corso can’t suddenly become fawn or red-colored. Also, when puppies mature, their markings may shrink or expand. 

Black Cane Corso
Black Cane Corso

What Is The Best Cane Corso Color?

There is no ‘best’ Cane Corso color – it’s solely a matter of personal preference! No matter what color or pattern their coats are, Cane Corsos are remarkably stunning and regal creatures. While the AKC will tell you that there are only seven legitimate Cane Corso colors, we believe all Corsos are beautiful and equally deserving of love! 

Final thoughts: Cane Corso Colors 

There’s much more to owning a Cane Corso than just coat color. Adopting a pup shouldn’t be done just on the basis of coat color. While you may have a personal preference for one color over another, the overall health and temperament of the dog are far more important to consider than its color alone. 

Regardless of your Cane Corso’s coloration, your pet will be full of life and positivity, and they’re bound to bring you and your family happiness and laughter for many years.

I hope that you found this article informative. Please feel free to leave comments below with any outstanding questions that you may have!
References and Further Reading:

[1] American Kennel Club, Cane Corso Dog Information.

Cane Corso Price Details

Complete Cane Corso Price Details

Cane Corsos are beautiful animals, but have you ever wondered how much it would cost to own one?

In this guide, we take you through everything you need to know about the cost of owning a Cane Corso in the first year and over your dog’s lifetime. We even explore additional expenses to expect when adopting a new Cane Corso, making budgeting for your dog easy.

How Much is Cane Corso Puppy Price: One-time Costs?

Planning to bring any new dog into your home is an expensive proposition, especially if you’re starting from scratch in terms of dog gear. Cane Corsos are no different, but unlike many other pets, your costs might not go down too much after your initial expenses. On average, you can expect to spend between $1,000 and $2,500 on your purebred Cane Corso puppy.

Reputable breeders tend to be on the upper end of the price spectrum. Some Corsos from champion bloodlines can cost you $4,000 or even more!

Cane Corsos can be expensive to purchase and since they will grow quickly from the time they’re puppies until they’re fully mature, many of the things you buy in the first place will soon need to be replaced.

Cane Corsos are beautiful dogs, but make no mistake, they’re expensive dogs too. Corsos also require a lot from their dog owner regarding everyday needs.

Cane Corso Price Details
Cane Corso Price Details

Cane Corso Price Summary

  • Cane Corso ownership can be expensive, with initial costs ranging from $1,000 to $2,500 for a purebred puppy.
  • Factors that influence the Cane Corso price include the age of the dog, bloodline quality and reputation of the breeder, health screenings, and coat color.
  • Female Cane Corsos may cost more than males due to breeding challenges and higher upkeep maintenance costs.
  • Adopting a rescued Cane Corso is one of the most cost-effective ways to own this breed; adoption fees range between $150-$400 depending on policies at shelters or rescues where they are available.
  • Owning a Cane Corso requires budgeting for ongoing expenses apart from the initial purchase price; having sufficient disposable income each month is essential in order to meet all their needs.

Cane Corso Cost: Initial Setup and Supplies

Before bringing home your Cane Corso, there are other expenses you must keep in mind after paying for the price of the puppy itself. You will need to invest in making your home the best fit for the safety and happiness of your pet and other family members. These costs can vary wildly, depending on your initial setup.

Here’s a list of Cane Corso’s care supplies and costs:

Food and Treats

Corsos require higher quality food and healthy dog treats. All in all, these may cost around $100 to $120. We strongly recommend that you not feed them cheap food lacking in some of the vital nutrients. It can shorten their lifespan and put more stress on their joints. Corsos need to stay healthy, and the money you save in the short term will likely be eaten up if your furry companion needs health care.

Food and Water Bowls

Many Cane Corso owners use elevated feeders to prevent bloating, which is common in these dogs. Investing $15 to $35 in one may truly assist your Corso in reducing strain and maintaining good posture.

Bed and Blanket

Consider how the dog bed’s structure and comfort affect your Cane Corso’s health and disposition. An excellent dog bed costs $50 to $100+.

Dog Crate

A crate provides a safe and secure place for your Corso to relax. Consider the crate’s size, material, and overall quality upon purchasing. A large-sized crate should cost around $60 to $200.

Leashes, Harnesses, and Collars

If you want to walk around freely with your Cane Corso, you may want to invest in collars and leashes that could help you overcome the size and strength of your pet. This will set you back around $20 to $50.


Cane Corsos love to play with toys that could help stimulate them and release energy. So investing in dog toys such as kong, chew toys, and interactive puzzle toys should cost around $30+.

Grooming Supplies

Since Cane Corsos have short coats, irregular bathing is crucial to minimize shedding and sustain a healthy coat. Investing in grooming tools may cost you between $100 and $200.

Deworming, Flea, and Tick Medication

You need another $50 to $300 to guarantee a healthy dog if your Cane Corso is not dewormed and unvaccinated. Keep in mind that prevention is better than cure.

Initial Vet Visits

Given Cane Corso’s predisposition to various genetic illnesses such as bloating and joint problems, vet visits are crucial in Cane Corso’s early life. These appointments may run you around $100 to $500.

Neutering or Spaying

If you bought a Cane Corso less than a year old, it’s still unneutered or not spayed. You may need at least $50 to $250 to prepare for the surgical costs.

Microchip Cost

For only $45 to $60, you can microchip your Cane Corsos and keep them safe.


Training is a crucial part of Corso ownership. Training classes almost cost between $75 and $200 for a 5-6 week class. Hiring a private owner for one-to-one training will be even more expensive.

Miscellaneous Supplies

Other things you may need to purchase for your Cane Corso may include carpet cleaners, poop bags, etc. These supplies may cost you around $20 to $30.

The main thing that would increase the cost is if you need to have medical procedures performed or screening for health conditions. It is always important to do your research before owning a Cane Corso. You need to budget for ongoing expenses apart from the initial price.

Cane Corso's Price
Cane Corso Puppy

Factors That Influence Cane Corso’s Price

Purebred Cane Corsos will be costly, especially if they’re still puppies.

The factors that may affect the Cane Corso price are as follows:


The younger the dog, the higher the price. When buying Cane Corsos as puppies, expect to pay more due to vet fees, vaccinations, and treatments the breeder pays for. A Cane Corso older than five years is considered a senior dog and typically sold for less.


Champion bloodlines produce show-quality Cane Corsos and usually cost more. Hence, expect to pay more if you want a Cane Corso from the best lineages.
Breeder’s reputation: A reputable breeder spends considerably more to maintain the quality of their dogs.

Hence, your choice of breeder greatly affects the price of a Cane Corso puppy. You may get a low-price Corso puppy from unethical backyard breeders, but it’s not advised. If you want purebred Cane Corso puppies for cheaper, consider adopting one instead.

Health Screenings:

Due to the Cane Corso’s susceptibility to hip dysplasia and bloat, reputable breeders hike the price of Cane Corso puppies that underwent health checks. Sickly Corso puppies may be offered for lower prices, but expect to spend on vet fees later. A responsible Corso breeder will conduct several health screenings to ensure their breeding stock is healthy.

Coat Color:

One of the aspects that can significantly influence how much a Corso puppy costs is its coat color. Coat colors play a crucial role in deciding the prices. The rare colored Cane Corso coats are expensive, while the common ones are less expensive. Some colors are very rare, like straw or liver. Blue Cane Corsos are also rare and desirable. Hence their price usually exceeds the price of a standard Cane Corso.

Professional training and socialization:

Cane Corsos require socialization, puppy training classes, and canine education for good behavior. Trained Corso puppies may be costly at first but it is arguably a good investment.


The breeder’s location can highly influence the price of the dog. The Corso price differs in different geographical locations. Dogs are always more expensive in locations where they are more popular. Corsos are usually more popular in rural areas, where there is enough space and a need for excellent guard dogs.

These factors greatly influence the Cane Corso cost. Regardless, the gender and demand for this breed in your location may also affect the cost of having a Cane Corso puppy.

Cane Corso Puppy
Cane Corso Puppy

Female and Male Cane Corso Price Differences

When we compare the prices of male and female Cane Corsos, it seems that female Cane Corso puppies cost more than males in some cases. Female Corso puppies are priced higher when breeders sell for breeding purposes. However, many breeders will sell their puppies for the same price regardless of gender. The upkeep maintenance cost of female Corsos is usually higher than males due to breeding challenges.

How Much Does it Cost to Adopt a Cane Corso From a Rescue?

One of the most cost-effective ways if you want to own a Cane Corso is by adopting one from a rescue or a shelter. Finding purebred Cane Corsos in shelters is rare, but it’s not impossible.

Adoption fees may range from around $150 to $400, depending on the shelter policies, the dog’s age, and health. Rescued Cane Corsos will usually be spayed or neutered. Most of them have also had behaviorally modified before being adopted.

Cane Corso Price Details
Cane Corso Price Details

Conclusion: Cane Corso Price

Corsos are fantastic animals and make affectionate and lovable pets. Despite their large size, they’re one of the best-natured dogs because of their loving nature and gentleness with family, including kids.

This dog breed is for you if you are an experienced dog parent and have a house with a yard. These gentle giants may be no lap dogs, but a glimpse of these stunning pups may make the cost of owning well worth it.

They’re not cheap to own, though. Remember that you must budget for the upkeep cost apart from the initial price. You’ll need a sizable monthly disposable income to attend to all their needs.
Copyright CaninePals.Com. All Rights Reserved.

References and Further Reading:

[1] American Kennel Club, Cane Corso Dog Information.

Are Cane Corsos Hypoallergenic?

Are Cane Corsos Hypoallergenic? All about this Dog Breed

Everybody wants to live a pawsome and pawsitive life with a dog, as they are the most faithful and loyal animals in the world. But many of us are allergic to dogs and want to own a breed that doesn’t cause irritation and sensitivity.

In such cases, a hypoallergenic dog breed is a breed to own. Hypoallergenic dog breeds don’t stimulate any allergies in humans. Many dog breeds have lesser chances of provoking allergies in humans as there is nothing a truly allergen-free dogs breed.

Many people want to own this giant dog breed called the Cane Corso and want to know whether Cane Corsos are hypoallergenic. People with several types of allergies ask such things as their allergies are severe in the presence of dogs.

Hence, to answer such reservations, we say that a Cane Corso puppy is a canine that is not one of the hypoallergenic dogs; although they have short hair and don’t shed much hair, they produce the protein that can trigger allergies in people who are allergic.

A few dog breeds make a kind of protein particles that causes disturbance in the immune system of an allergic person. These dogs produce dog allergies in their saliva, urine, and hair.

The presence of protein particles in these dogs causes sneezing, watery eyes, cough, and even swelling sometimes. People with asthma can suffer from difficulty breathing, chest tightening, pain in the chest, and shortness of breath while sleeping.

However, you can always significantly minimize the allergic reactions in Cane Corsos if you take proper care of three things: saliva, shedding, and dander. A Cane Corso doesn’t shed much, and it doesn’t even drool as much as the other giant breeds do.

This cute dog breed drools excessively in a few situations, like when the weather is too hot, when they are hungry or nervous, when they have pain in the stomach, and due to motion sickness or nausea. So if you can control its drooling beforehand in these circumstances, you can reduce the chances of allergies in the house.

If you are prone to dog allergies and still want to buy a Cane Corso, here is a list of some useful tips to make it easy for you to deal with this dog breed.

Are Cane Corsos Hypoallergenic?
Are Cane Corsos Hypoallergenic?

Tips to Make a Cane Corso Hypoallergenic

Undoubtedly, Cane Corso is one of the cutest, most loyal, and lovable dog breeds; everyone wants one. If you have someone with allergies in the house and still want Cane Corso in your family, you can certainly do a few things to diminish the symptoms.

  1. You can reduce the allergic symptoms by building your immune system, most of the people who own Cane Corso say that they face allergenic reactions in the beginning, but after somewhat 6 to 8 weeks, their body becomes more immune to this breed.
  2. A proper diet plan plays a vital role in your dog’s and his coat’s health. To make your Cane Corso less allergic, try different diets, especially the RAW diet, which can be very helpful.
  3. Wipe your dog’s coat daily, always with a baby wipe, to reduce the allergens from his skin; this will help a lot.
  4. Regular grooming can also play a key part in diminishing symptoms; you can regularly bathe them once a week with hypoallergenic shampoos, which help remove allergens from the skin. You can also brush them regularly but always do this outside the house to avoid the presence of hair and dander in the house.
  5. Besides all these tips, self-protection is the best thing you can do for yourself or the person with allergies. Since mostly the allergens in Cane Corso cause skin irritation, you can always control it by covering your skin completely by wearing long sleeves clothes while contacting your pet.

What are the Other Reasons why Cane Corsos cause Allergies?

Apart from protein particles, there are a few other reasons these sweet creatures cause allergic reactions in humans, even those who don’t have allergies. The only way to control these conditions is by taking the right precautions. Here are the reasons:

  • Although a Corso doesn’t shed much hair, it has short pointy furs which can be piercing to our soft skin. Sometimes by this point, hair and our skin may face irritation, rashes, itchiness, and other problems.
  • The other thing is this breed is extremely playful and real explorers; they love to wander around and roll almost everywhere. The rolling makes them stick many allergenic plants to their coats, like poisonous ivy, sumac, and oak which also results in causing skin irritation and rashes when you contact your pet.
Are Cane Corsos Hypoallergenic?
Are Cane Corsos Hypoallergenic?

Cane Corso History

It’s always fun to know more facts and history about your pet. The origin of this breed traces back thousands of years as they are linked with the working breed molossers, who used to be the guardians of an ancient Greek clan known as Mollosi. Later, the Romans conquered the Greek Island and brought this breed to Italy with them. They then bred this breed with their native canines to produce this giant breed called Neopolitan Mastiff and Cane Corso.

Originally Romans bred them to use in warfare; they used to serve as weapons that carried fire buckets on their back in the military services. But after the fifth century, when the Roman empire ended, these energetic dogs were used as hunters and farm guards.

This dog breed gained immense popularity in the twentieth century after creating the Amorati Cane Corso society that the Cane Corsolovers created in 1983. Luckily, this boosted their recognition, and they became show-stoppers in dog shows across Europe.

The Eighties was the same time when these adorable pups made their way to America from Italy and made quite a wave there. Its popularity led to the International Cane Corso Association, and in 2010 American Kennel Club officially recognized this dog’s breed.

Are Cane Corsos Hypoallergenic?
Are Cane Corsos Hypoallergenic?

Appearance and Traits of Cane Corso

Can Corso have a majestic appearance? They are muscular and sturdy giant breed bred to protect. This large-sized dog breed has a stern demeanor, making them the best warrior dogs; however, their floppy ears make them adorable. The Cane Corso comes in many colors, like black, fawn, brindle, grey, and brown.

They possess cropped ears and have large nose flush with grey and a black muzzle. These friendly dogs are super-energetic and playful; this breed needs excessive exercise and training. They can survive in cold weather; however, on hot days, they get cranky.

Cane Corso is a gregarious and extremely loyal canine; they love their owner and show tremendous loyalty to them. These are warrior breeds, so they tend to bite and bark. This breed takes time to make friends with other dogs and doesn’t get along with cats much, so if you own a cat as a pet, you must think twice before getting a Cane Corso onboard.


As we discussed earlier, this breed was bred as a protector, so they are serious, sensitive, and intensely faithful dogs. These are not very friendly dogs to any strangers, be it humans or animals; they get alert after seeing new people and also show anger toward them. But if you regularly socialize them and give them training can be very affectionate and playful. So, always train them before bringing strangers home so the pet doesn’t get offended by their presence.

Cane Corsos as Pets

If you plan to add Cane Corso to your family, you must know that this breed makes amazing pets as they are loyal, affectionate, and true protective guardians. All these canine needs are proper training and socialization; these are warrior breeds, so you need to give them consistent training throughout their lives to see their affectionate, cool and loving side.

This dog breed is not for occasional or first-time pet owners as they require a lot of time and energy from their owners for training and exercises.

Living Space for Cane Corso

Cane Corsos are an energetic dog breed that needs open space for exercise, training, running, and playing; they prefer living outside in backyards and big areas. These big size dogs can’t live in small apartments and confined places as this may result in causing various health issues in them. It’s common in most giant dog breeds that they develop anxiety and aggression if they don’t find freedom for exercise and playing.

Are Cane Corsos Hypoallergenic?
Are Cane Corsos Hypoallergenic?

General Health Issues in Cane Corsos

Cane Corso is a large-sized breed; they generally have a life spanning over 9 to 12 years. But during this period, they face many health issues that play a key role in determining their lifespan. Following are the common medical issues that normally a Cane Corso can encounter.

Hip Dysplasia

Hip Dysplasia is a common skeletal problem found in most large and medium-sized dog breeds; in this condition, the hip joints of your pet start deteriorating with age. Dogs with hip Dysplasia suffer from excruciating pain affecting their overall life and mobility.

This condition is treatable and needs proper aid; however, you can always make things better for your pet by providing the right diet and competent joint care.

Just like hip dysplasia, this giant breed is also susceptible to elbow dysplasia, a medical condition used for abnormal growth of elbow joints and bones. This condition is painful and causes extreme lameness and arthritis in your pet. However, if diagnosed at an early age, there are various treatments to cure this ailment, like physical therapies, proper medications, and joint fluid modifiers.


Weight plays an important part in maintaining a healthy life for all the dogs’ breeds, but in Cane Corso’s case, it needs to be more particular as these are already giant-sized dogs, and extra weight can worsen their condition. When these dogs gain excessive weight, it puts more strain on the joints, resulting in mobility issues and joint pains. Hence, daily exercise and a strict calorie diet are suggested for these dogs so they don’t put on extra weight.

Bloating Issues

Like other canines, Cane Corso also tend to have bloating issues as they have big, deep chests, making them vulnerable to bloating. Cane Corso can encounter many acute problems like gastric dilation, GDV, and volvulus, which causes agonizing stomach aches and can be deadly at times.

You can prevent this condition by taking some precautionary measures; always give your dog a small portion of meals throughout the day so that they can only take one bite at a time.

Demodectic Mange

This term is a skin condition found in most dog breeds. Mites, hair loss, and skin irritation cause this skin disease. Puppies usually inherit this disease from their mothers as it’s a genetic predisposition. Many proper medications are available to treat this ailment to make your pet healthy and lively.

Idiopathic Epilepsy

This condition is a seizure disorder that can only be controlled by medication if your pet encounters it. Idiopathic is a hereditary disorder; this medical term is used for “no known cause,” that’s why it’s not treatable. A Cane Corso can get this disorder when he gets three years old.

Eye Problems

Ailments related to the eyes are another common health problem faced by Cane Corsos, and most of the problems are related to the eyelid. Your pet can encounter entropion and ectropion eye diseases in which eyelids fold inwards and outwards, respectively.

Another common eye problem in Corsos is cherry eyes; it’s when the corner of the eye bulges out because of swollenness. These are the common problems; however, red eyes and eye irritation are also common eye infections in this breed.

How Much Does a Cane Corso Cost?

Since these are guardian dogs, this dog breed is expensive, and living with it is even more expensive than buying one. A small Cane Corso puppy from an average breeder may cost you around $1500 to $2500; if you want to buy a top breed Cane Corso, then it will increase the price and make it somewhere around $3000 to $5500.

Are Cane Corsos Hypoallergenic?
Are Cane Corsos Hypoallergenic?

Final Thoughts: Are Cane Corsos Hypoallergenic?

The most frequently asked question by this breed lovers is the Cane Corso a hypoallergenic dog breed. We made sure to answer this question in the aptest way possible so that it helps you when you go to buy your new pet.

However, you can always control your Cane Corso being a hypoallergenic dog breed or non-hypoallergenic by taking preventive measures to reduce the risk of allergies. Besides all this, these giant dogs are the most playful loyal, and adorable dogs breed to add to your family.

To give our final words on Cane Corsos, we can say that this breed is flexible and durable once trained properly. They require regular exercise and a training regime to stay calm and affectionate, so if you are planning to get a Cane Corso onboard, all you need is patience and super-energy. This blog helps you deal with this adorable breed more accurately.

Copyright CaninePals.Com. All Rights Reserved.

References and Further Reading:

[1] American Kennel Club, Cane Corso Dog Information.

Cane Corso vs Mastiff

Cane Corso vs Mastiff – What Sets Them Apart?

Are you fascinated by massive dog breeds like Corsos and Mastiffs? Let’s do a Cane Corso vs. Mastiff to determine which dog breed can be your future pal.

Are you deciding between the English Mastiff and the Cane Corso as your next family pet or house guardian? The Cane Corso and the Mastiff are both comparable breeds with some distinctions. Both are working dogs as they were bred for the sake of guarding and protection.

Cane Corsos are much more athletic and agile than their Mastiff counterparts. They’re also more independent and headstrong, making them a bit more challenging to train. A Cane Corse is often referred to as an Italian Mastiff because it comes from Mastiff descent.

Therefore, they have many similarities in their physical activities and can be mistaken for the same breed. All in all, both breeds are incredibly loyal and loving and make wonderful family pets.

In this guide, we will go over all of the distinctions and similarities among the breeds and a few fascinating facts about them. But, first, let’s look into Cane Corso vs. Mastiff!

Cane Corso vs Mastiff
Cane Corso vs Mastiff

Breed History – Cane Corso Vs. Mastiff

Cane Corso

Cane Corsos are descendants of the huge Roman military dogs. They were kept as versatile farm dogs to herd sheep, drive animals, pull carts, and guard the land and family members. Cane Corsos had to hunt the wild bores to make their position permanent in the family.

Cane Corsos went short when the industrial revolution arrived, but some breeders in Italy could successfully save them by employing the Neopolitan Mastiff. The appearance of Corso in America was made in 1988 and immediately gained popularity since it resembled the American Pitbull Terrier.


The sweet and affectionate family pet – the Mastiff, has a history of meeting Romans and the British Isles. The Romans encountered the terrible hounds that guarded the British Isles during their invasion in 55 BC. They were the forefathers of the Mastiffs’. Julius Caesar was very impressed by them, so he transported them back to Rome and pitted them against the gladiators and other violent animals. That encounter shed blood spots, and the breeders came to know that the frightening characteristics of these Mastiffs’ forefathers are suppressed.

So the breed was perfected into the breed we all know today as the English Mastiff.

The English Mastiff is the largest dog breed known to man, referring to the fact that “Zorba” is the world’s biggest Mastiff dog who was weight in at 343 pounds. Mastiffs are often compared with Saint Bernard because of their enormous size.

Temperament – Cane Corso Vs Mastiff

Cane Corso

Cane Corsos are fighters by nature, so they are best suited for experienced dog owners who can stick to the training and exercise schedule. For keeping a Corso, you need to have lots of space at your home. People living in the apartments are not advised to keep a Corso.

A Cane Corso is an entertaining, active, and attention-grabbing dog. You’ll stay busy in training, socializing, and fulfilling the activity requirements of Corso as it’s a working dog that is meant for guarding. They are affectionate towards their family members, but their cordiality is limited to the house members to some extent. They are serious, sensitive, and devoted canines and would not welcome a new person entering the house. They often show hostility against strangers if not trained well.

However, the Corsos stay calm and confident if properly trained for socializing and will not upset other dogs,  outsiders, and other animals, reserving their rage for legitimate threats. Fortunately, their tremendous intelligence makes teaching simple.



You can consider getting a Mastiff if you are experienced, physically strong, and not afraid of drooling. The temperament of a Mastiff is characterized as extremely loyal, courageous, and dauntless. While its large size and height may deter some prospective canine parents, this breed is super friendly and makes a wonderful family pet.

Fortunately, biting and aggression are not typical in this breed; you can socialize young children with a Mastiff who is early and consistently trained. You can also bring other pets like cats and small dogs home while keeping this giant-sized canine because of its friendly demeanor.

Because of their intrinsic intellect and drive to please their owner, Mastiffs keep a notable competence. A Mastiff may thrive on service as a quick learner, sharing their history with the battle fighters. Moreover, this massive pet is a slow learner and is best paired with low-key pet parents.

Lifespan And Weight

The lifespan of a Cane Corso is 10-12 years, while a mastiff is 6-12 years. While both breeds are large, the Mastiff is larger among both breeds and can weigh up to 110 kgs as an adult. On the other hand, a Corso weighs somewhere between 45-50 kgs only. That being said, a Mastiff can be twice as big as a Corso and has a more muscular build.


Mastiffs are typically a very solid color, while cane Corsos can be brindled or have more than one color. In addition, the colors of mastiffs can range from fawn to brindle, while the colors of cane Corsos can include black, blue, grey, brown, and red.

Both the dogs can have white markings; mastiffs usually have more white on their chests and toes. Additionally, Cane Corsos often have a “mask” of darker color around their eyes.

Who is More Energetic – Tibetan Mastiff Vs. Cane Corso?

The Tibetan mastiff is a large and powerful dog breed that originates from the mountainous regions of Tibet. They were originally bred as working dogs, and their immense size and strength made them ideal for guarding livestock and property. The cane Corso is a large Italian breed that was also originally bred for working purposes.

These dogs are known for their athletic build and their fearless nature. So, who is more energetic – the Tibetan mastiff or the cane Corso?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as all dogs are individuals with their own unique personalities. However, the cane Corso is likely to be more energetic than the Tibetan mastiff. This is because the cane Corso was initially bred for jobs that required a lot of physical activity, such as hunting and herding.

On the other hand, the Tibetan mastiff was bred more for guarding and protecting. Therefore, they may not have the same high energy levels as the cane Corso.

Who’s Bigger In Size? Cane Corso vs Tibetan Mastiff

When it comes to size, the Mastiff definitely has the Cane Corso beat. While both these breeds are considered large, the Cane Corso can grow to be up to 27 inches at the shoulder, while the Tibetan Mastiff can exceed 35 inches. But don’t let the Mastiff’s size intimidate you – this breed is actually known for being gentle and loving with their family.

Cane Corso
Cane Corso

Health Concerns – Tibetan Mastiff Vs. Cane Corso

Health-wise, both the Cane Corso and the Tibetan Mastiff are generally healthy breeds. However, a few health issues are more common in each breed. For example, the Cane Corso is more likely to suffer from hip dysplasia, while the Tibetan Mastiff is more prone to developing cancer.

Some more health issues cane Corso may suffer from includes:

  • Elbow dysplasia
  • Eye problems
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Bloat

While a Tibetan Mastiff can suffer from:

  • Zinc Responsive Dermatosis
  • CHD
  • Elbow Dysplasia
  • Hip Dysplasia

Grooming – Tibetan Mastiff Vs. Cane Corso

When it comes to grooming, Cane Corso requires much more work. But the Tibetan Mastiff may be slightly easier to groom than the cane Corso.

Both breeds will need to be brushed regularly, but the Tibetan mastiff’s coat may be less prone to matting and tangling than the cane Corso’s coat. In addition, the Tibetan mastiff sheds moderately, while the Cane Corso sheds heavily.

So if you’re looking for a slightly easier-to-groom breed, the Tibetan mastiff may be better. But either way, you’ll need to be prepared to invest time and effort into regular grooming sessions.

Exercise Needs – Tibetan Mastiff Vs. Cane Corso

The exercise needs of a Mastiff are not very high. However, they do need some form of exercise to stay healthy and maintain their weight. A simple daily walk or run will suffice. Additionally, playing fetch or other forms of interactive playtime are great ways to keep your Mastiff active.

A Cane Corso will need at least an hour of exercise every day, though ideally, they should have closer to two hours. This can be in the form of walks, runs, or playtime in a secure area. Corsos are very strong dogs, so it’s vital that they get plenty of exercise to avoid destructive behavior. If possible, give your Cane Corso access to a yard where they can run and play freely.

Tibetan Mastiff
Tibetan Mastiff

Nutrition – Mastiff Vs Cane Corso

Tibetan Mastiffs are very large dogs, and as such, they require a lot of food. The average adult Tibetan Mastiff will need around 4 to 6 cups of food per day, split into two meals. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that your Tibetan Mastiff has a high-quality diet designed specifically for large breed dogs. This will help to ensure that your dog stays healthy and doesn’t suffer from any joint or bone problems later in life.

A cane Corso’s diet should consist of high-quality dry dog food, meat, and vegetables. Puppies need more calories than adult dogs and may require two or three meals per day. Avoid feeding your cane Corso table scraps, which can lead to obesity and other health problems. Instead, keep fresh water available at all times. Your vet can help you create a tailored feeding plan for your dog.

Who Is Easier To Train? – Cane Corso Vs Tibetan Mastiff

The Cane Corso is typically easier to train than the Tibetan mastiff. However, both breeds require a lot of patience and consistency from their owners to achieve success.

A Cane Corso is generally more food-motivated than Tibetan mastiffs, which makes their training slightly easier. All you need to do is treat them with food upon successfully going through training each day.

However, both breeds are intelligent and can learn a variety of tricks and commands with proper training.

Ultimately, it is essential to choose a breed that best suits your own personality and lifestyle in order to ensure a successful training experience.

Friendliness – Cane Corso Vs. Tibetan Mastiff

It’s debatable to say which of the two breeds is more loyal and protective of their families because both dogs are well-socialized and blendable.

The Cane Corso is more athletic, while the Mastiff is more laid back. Both breeds require a lot of exercise and must be trained from a young age. However, remember that socialization is essential for both breeds to prevent aggression. So, keep them indulged in playful activities.

Coat Differences – Mastiff Vs. Cane Corso

Tibetan Mastiff has a thick coat that is double layered. The outer layer is coarse, and the undercoat is dense. They do not have an undercoat. In contrast, Cane Corsos have a short, stiff coat that is easy to groom.

Shedding Differences – Cane Corso vs. Mastiff

Since mastiffs have a denser double undercoat, and a straight, long outer coat, they shed seasonally but heavily. Cane Corsos on the other hand, have a single-layer coat that is short, stiff, and dense. As a result, they are not heavy shedders, but they do lose some hair throughout the year.

What is a Tibetan Mastiff Cane Corso Mix?

A Tibetan Mastiff cane Corso mix is a cross between a Tibetan mastiff and an Italian Corso dog. These dogs are large, powerful, and loyal, making them great protectors. They require plenty of exercise and socialization, but they can make wonderful family pets.

Who’s Better – Cane Corso Or a Mastiff?

There is no clear consensus when it comes to who is the better breed between a cane Corso and a mastiff. Some people may prefer the cane Corso for its loyalty and protective nature, while others might lean more towards the mastiff for its dauntless and courageous personality.

Ultimately, the decision of which breed is better for you depends on what you are looking for in a dog and which traits you value most.

Cane Corso
Cane Corso


So these were the tidbits on the comparison between Mastiff Vs. Cane Corso, which we are sure will help you decide your well-matched family pet. The English Mastiff is edgy in size and serves well as a guard dog. Similarly, the Cane Corso also takes its duty very seriously when it comes to guarding.

If you’re a first-time dog owner, you are advised to start with a small and friendly dog before switching to a Cane Corso or a Mastiff. This is because they require training and care to behave as great human companions. Hence, once you get the experience of grooming and training dogs, you can be a happy Mastiff or Cane Corso owner. 

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Cane Corso vs Mastiff – What Sets Them Apart?