Last Updated on March 8, 2024 by Denise Leo. Post first published on May 24, 2023.
Pomeranians are a small and fluffy dog breed that has become very popular. With their adorable appearance and friendly demeanor, it’s no wonder many people are drawn to them.
However, many potential owners wonder if Pomeranians bark a lot.
We consulted with experts who shared their advice on whether Pomeranians tend to bark excessively. Find out their insights on this common question!
Expert Advice: Do Pomeranians Bark Excessively?
According to breed expert and author of “The Pomeranian Handbook,” Denise Leo of Dochlaggie Pomeranians, Pomeranians are known to be vocal dogs. She explains:
“Pomeranians are a breed that likes to communicate with other dogs and their owners through barking. Some owners may see this as a negative trait; others appreciate that their Pomeranian is always willing to let them know their feelings.
Pomeranian Headquarters also notes that excessive barking can be a problem in this breed, especially if they are not adequately trained. However, the Pom Headquarters team also mentions that:
“Pomeranians can learn when it is appropriate to bark and when it’s not with the proper training and socialization. It’s important to note that dogs are different, and some Pomeranians may bark more than others.”

Pomeranian Temperament and Barking
Pomeranian Personality
Pomeranians are known for their lively and outgoing personalities. According to Pomeranian expert Denise Leo of Dochlaggie Pomeranians, they are “intelligent, curious, and affectionate.” They are also fiercely loyal to their owners and strongly desire to please them. However, their small size and delicate nature make them easily frightened or overwhelmed.
Pomeranian Barking
One of the most common behavior challenges with Pomeranians is excessive barking. Pomeranian Headquarters states,
“Pomeranians are known to be vocal dogs, and they bark for various reasons. They may bark to demand attention, express excitement, or alert their owners to potential danger. Excessive barking can be a nuisance and indicate underlying anxiety or behavioral issues.”
To address Pomeranian barking, it is essential to understand the root cause. Denise Leo notes that:
“barking is a natural form of communication for dogs, but it can become problematic if it is excessive or inappropriate.
Some possible reasons for excessive barking in Pomeranians include:
- Separation anxiety: Pomeranians may bark excessively when left alone or separated from their owners.
- Attention-seeking behavior: Pomeranians may bark to demand attention or treats from their owners.
- Fear or anxiety: Pomeranians may bark when they feel threatened or scared.
- Lack of exercise or stimulation: Pomeranians may bark out of boredom or frustration.
It is vital to provide proper training and socialization to address Pomeranian barking. This may include teaching the “quiet” command, giving plenty of exercise and mental stimulation, and addressing underlying anxiety or behavioral issues. As Pomeranian Headquarters notes,
“With the right training and socialization, your Pom can learn when it’s appropriate to bark and when it isn’t.”
Why Do Pomeranians Bark?
Pomeranians are known for their excessive barking, which can be a nuisance to their owners and those around them. However, it is essential to understand why Pomeranians bark and how to address the issue.
One of the main reasons why Pomeranians bark is to communicate with their owners and other animals. According to Denise Leo of Dochlaggie Pomeranians,
“Pomeranians are a vocal breed and use barking to express their feelings. They may bark to get attention, express excitement, or warn of danger.”
Pomeranians were initially bred as sled dogs and used as watchdogs, so barking is natural when they perceive a threat. They may bark at strangers, other animals, sudden noises, or even unfamiliar objects. Pomeranian Headquarters notes:
“Pomeranians have a solid protective instinct and will bark to alert their owners of perceived danger.”
Pomeranians are energetic and playful dogs, and they may bark out of excitement during playtime or when greeting their owners. They may also bark when they hear familiar sounds, such as the doorbell or a car pulling into the driveway.
Pomeranians are intelligent dogs that require mental stimulation. They may bark out of frustration when bored or not getting enough exercise. Pomeranian Headquarters advises that
“if a Pomeranian is not getting enough attention or exercise, he may bark excessively to release pent-up energy.”
Separation Anxiety
Pomeranians are known for their attachment to their owners and may bark when left alone. This is a sign of separation anxiety, which can be addressed with training and socialization. Denise Leo recommends that:
“Pomeranians should be trained to be comfortable with alone time from a young age to prevent separation anxiety.”
Pomeranians bark for various reasons, including communication, protection, excitement, boredom, and separation anxiety. Owners must understand why their Pomeranian is barking and address the underlying issue. Pomeranians can learn to bark appropriately and be great companions with proper socialization and training.

Training Your Pomeranian Not to Bark
Pomeranians are known to be vocal dogs, and excessive barking can be a problem for the dog and its owner. Fortunately, proper training can teach your Pomeranian not to bark excessively.
Socialization is an essential aspect of training your Pomeranian not to bark. According to Denise Leo of Dochlaggie Pomeranians,
“Socialization is key to having a well-behaved Pomeranian. By exposing your Pomeranian to different people, animals, and environments, you can help them become more comfortable and less likely to bark excessively.”
Positive Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement involves rewarding your Pomeranian for good behavior. When your Pomeranian is quiet, reward them with treats, praise, or playtime; this will help them learn that quiet is good.
Exercise is essential for a healthy and happy Pomeranian. A tired and sleepy dog is less likely to bark excessively. Pomeranian Headquarters recommends,
Providing your Pomeranian with daily exercise will help him burn off energy and reduce his need to bark.
Pomeranians are social dogs and require attention from their owners. If your Pomeranian is barking excessively, it may be a sign that they are not receiving enough attention. Spend time playing with your Pomeranian, taking them for walks, and engaging in other activities they enjoy.
If your Pomeranian continues to bark excessively despite your efforts to train them, there are several solutions you can try. One solution is to use a bark collar, which emits a harmless spray or sound when your Pomeranian barks.
Another solution is to consult a professional dog trainer who can provide additional guidance and support. Training your Pomeranian puppy not to bark excessively requires patience, consistency, and a willingness to try different methods.
By socializing your dog, using positive reinforcement, providing exercise and attention, and exploring solutions such as bark collars or professional training, you can help your Pomeranian puppy become a well-behaved and happy companion.
Pomeranians and Other Dogs
Pomeranians are known for their friendly and outgoing personalities, but how do they interact with other dogs? Things to remember when introducing your Pomeranian to other dogs.
Greeting Other Dogs
When meeting new dogs, Pomeranians may initially be hesitant or bark to show excitement. Supervising their interactions is essential to avoid becoming too aggressive or territorial. According to breed expert Denise Leo of Dochlaggie Pomeranians,
“Pomeranians are generally friendly with other dogs but can be territorial and aggressive if they feel threatened. It is important to introduce them to new dogs slowly and in a controlled environment.”
Playing with Other Dogs
Pomeranians have a playful nature and enjoy interacting with other dogs. However, they may play rough or become possessive of toys or treats. Pomeranian Headquarters advises,
“Supervision is key when Pomeranians are playing with other dogs. It is important to teach them to share toys and treats and to intervene if they become too rough or aggressive.”
It is also essential to remember that Pomeranians are a small breed and may be easily injured by larger dogs. Always supervise their interactions and ensure they play with dogs of a similar size and temperament.
Pomeranians can get along well with other dogs with proper socialization and training. Monitoring their interactions and intervening to ensure they remain safe and happy is vital.
Pomeranians and Cats
Pomeranians are known for their friendly and outgoing nature and can get along quite well with cats. However, it is vital to introduce them properly and give them time to adjust to each other. According to breed expert and author Denise Leo of Dochlaggie Pomeranians,
“Pomeranians can get along with cats if raised with them from a young age.”
This means that if a Pomeranian and a cat are introduced to each other when they are both young, they are more likely to form a bond and play together. However, if a Pomeranian and a cat are introduced to each other when they are older, they may also not get along.” Pomeranian Headquarters advises that,
“Supervising interactions between a Pomeranian and a cat is important until you are confident that they can play together safely.”
It is essential to note that not all Pomeranians will get along with cats. According to Pomeranian Headquarters,
“some Pomeranians have a high prey drive and may see cats as something to chase. In these cases, it is best to keep the Pomeranian and the cat separated.”
Pomeranians and cats usually get along well if introduced correctly and given time to adjust. Supervising their interactions is crucial, especially if they are not raised together from a young age.

Pomeranians and Guests
Pomeranians are known for their friendly and outgoing nature but can also be very protective of their owners. When guests come to visit, Pomeranians may bark to alert their owners of the presence of strangers. However, not all barks are the same, and it’s essential to understand what your Pomeranian is trying to communicate.
Warning Barks
According to Pomeranian expert Denise Leo of Dochlaggie Pomeranians,
“Pomeranians may bark to warn their owners when someone comes to the door. These warning barks may sound sharp and urgent, and they may be accompanied by growling or other signs of aggression.”
Taking their concerns seriously is essential if your Pomeranian is barking as a warning. Pomeranians are small dogs, and they may feel threatened by larger guests. Try to reassure your Pomeranian that everything is okay, but also be mindful of their concerns.
Excited Barks
Pomeranians are also known for their high energy levels, and they may bark out of excitement when guests visit. These barks may sound more playful and less urgent than warning barks, and jumping or other signs of excitement may accompany them. According to Pomeranian Headquarters,
“Pomeranians may bark excitedly because they love attention and want to play with their guests. If your Pomeranian is barking out of excitement, giving them plenty of attention and playtime is important to help them burn off their energy.”
Loud Barks
Finally, some Pomeranians may bark more loudly than others. According to Pomeranian expert Denise Leo,
“Pomeranians are known for their loud and piercing bark, which can be heard from a distance.”
If your Pomeranian is barking loudly, it’s essential to discover what your dog is trying to communicate. They may be trying to warn you of a potential threat, or they may be excited to see their guests. Try to read your Pomeranian’s body language and respond accordingly.
Pomeranians may bark when guests visit, but not all barks are alike. By understanding the different barks and their meaning, you can better communicate with your Pomeranian and ensure they feel safe and comfortable around guests.
Pomeranians as Watchdogs
Pomeranians are known for their small size and cute appearance but are also excellent watchdogs. They are alert and protective of their owners, making them wonderful guard dogs. According to Denise Leo of Dochlaggie Pomeranians,
“Pomeranians are very protective of their families and make excellent watchdogs. They are vigilant little dogs and bark at anything that seems not right. This trait makes them an excellent alarm system for their owners.”
Despite their small size, Pomeranians have a loud and piercing bark that can be heard from a distance, making them an effective deterrent for potential intruders. Pomeranian Headquarters adds that
“Pomeranians are known to be fearless and will not hesitate to protect their owners, even if it means putting themselves in harm’s way.”
As watchdogs, Pomeranians are loyal and loving companions and provide a sense of security to their owners. Pomeranians are excellent watchdogs due to their protective nature, alertness, and loud bark. They make wonderful guard dogs and alarm systems for their owners.

Pomeranian Health Problems and Barking
Pomeranians are generally healthy dogs, but like all breeds, they are prone to specific health problems. These health problems can affect their behavior, including their barking habits. Denise Leo, a Pomeranian breeder and author, explains that,
“Pomeranians are prone to dental issues, leading to pain and discomfort. This can cause a Pomeranian to bark excessively.”
Sick Pomeranians
When a Pomeranian is sick, it may bark more than usual, and this is because they are trying to communicate its discomfort or pain. According to Pomeranian Headquarters,
“If your Pomeranian is barking excessively and you notice any other symptoms such as lack of appetite, it’s essential to take them for a vet check to rule out any underlying health issues.”
Body Language
Pomeranians use their body language to communicate, and Pom barking is often a part of that communication. If a Pomeranian is barking and its tail is up, it may be excited or happy. However, if their tail is down and they are barking, they may be anxious or scared. Understanding your Pomeranian’s body language can help you address any barking habits they may have.
Double Coat
Pomeranians have a very thick double coat that requires regular grooming. If their fur is not maintained correctly, it can lead to skin irritation and discomfort. This can cause a Pomeranian to bark excessively. According to Denise Leo,
“Pomeranians with matted or tangled hair may bark excessively due to discomfort.”
Pomeranian health problems can affect their barking habits. It’s essential to understand your Pomeranian’s body language and take them to the vet if you notice any changes in their behavior. Regular grooming can also help prevent skin irritation and discomfort that can cause excessive barking.

In conclusion, Pomeranians are known to bark a lot, a common trait of most small dog breeds. According to breed expert and author Denise Leo of Dochlaggie Pomeranians,
“Pomeranians are very vocal and can bark excessively if not trained and socialized correctly. However, this does not mean they cannot make great pets with correct training and socialization.”
Pomeranians are used as therapy dogs, and their high-pitched barks and yapping can help alert their owners to potential danger or visitors. Pomeranians come in various colors, including white and black, and they are known for their small stature, playful nature, and affectionate personalities.
As lap dogs, Pomeranians are sensitive and thrive on attention from their owners. They are known for growling, licking, and using scent to communicate. However, they can also become scared or frustrated, leading to excessive barking. Training and socializing them early is essential to prevent this behavior. The American Kennel Club describes Pomeranians as
“lively, bold, and inquisitive,”
They make excellent companions for those who put in the time and effort to train and care for them properly. According to Pomeranian Headquarters,
“Pomeranians are a happy and friendly breed that loves to be around people and other pets.”
In summary, while Poms bark a lot, it is a common breed trait and can be managed with proper training and socialization. They are playful, affectionate and make excellent lap dogs. Denise Leo says,
With the right training, socialization, and love, Pomeranians can be wonderful pets for owners looking for a loyal and loving companion.
Copyright CaninePals.Com. All Rights Reserved. References and Further Reading:
- Official Standard of the Pomeranian (AKC). American Kennel Club, 2011.
- Official English Kennel Club Pomeranian Breed Standard, 2017.
- Kimbering Pomeranians “1891-1991”.
- Denise Leo, The Pomeranian Handbook.
- L.Ives, Show Pomeranians.
- L.Ziegler Spirer & H.F. Spirer, This is the Pomeranian.
- FEDERATION CYNOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONALE (FCI) German Spitz, including Keeshond and Pomeranian Breed Standards. PDF file.