Do Basset Hounds Shed a Lot?


Do Basset Hounds Shed a Lot? Basset Hound Shedding Explained

Last Updated on August 14, 2023 by Denise Leo. Post first published on August 22, 2021.

First of all, do Basset Hounds shed a lot?  The answer here is YES. But don’t let this deter you from owning one if you’re looking for a furry friend.

There are many other benefits to having a Basset Hound as your pet including they can be trained easily, they are very loyal and loving dogs, and the list goes on!

Read on to find out more about Basset Hound shedding and how to prevent Basset Hound shedding problems:

1. Do Basset Hounds Shed a Lot of Hair?

You may have heard that Basset Hounds shed a lot of hair, but they do not shed nearly as much as some other breeds. Here on this page, we’ll look at how a Basset Hound compares to other dogs in terms of shedding hair and how to look after them to minimize any problems with shedding.

Basset Hounds do generally shed a lot of hair. They are ranked into the category of “moderate to heavy shedding” by the American Kennel Club, which means they will shed about double the amount that other dogs will shed.

Basset Hounds do shed, but not as much as many other breeds. Basset Hounds are known to be one of the most high-shedding breeds in the world. They have a very short coat that does shed but they produce much less dander than other dogs which leads to fewer allergic reactions for people with pet allergies.

Do Basset Hounds Shed a Lot?
Do Basset Hounds Shed a Lot?

How Much Does a Basset Hound Shed Compared to Other Dogs?

They shed significantly more than other dogs and are not considered to be hypoallergenic.

2. Excessive Hair from Basset Hounds

There are many different types of dogs that have problems shedding hair. One such problem is excessive hair from Basset Hounds. This is a condition that is very common and is still something that needs to be addressed by all owners.

The dog breed’s thick skin should be soothed with lotion or mineral oil if it becomes dry or irritated because of the short hair.

3. Good Grooming for Your Basset Hound

Grooming your Basset Hound will reduce the amount that they shed and is a relatively easy task. It can be done on a weekly basis and won’t take up much of your time. However, the more often you groom them, the better it is for their health and appearance. Dogs with long hair will require grooming more often than those with short hair, but they are generally easier to brush and groom.

Brush your Basset Hound on a table or in an open area to give you enough room to work with them without bumping into anything. It’s best if they are standing up straight but sitting is also okay as long as they are comfortable while you’re brushing them. Be sure to use natural bristle brushes and not plastic bristles- natural bristle brushes will hurt less than plastic ones and most importantly do a better job.

4. Frequently Asked Questions About Brushing a Basset Hound’s Coat

This section will answer common questions about brushing a Basset Hound’s coat.

For the most part, brushing a basset hound is an easy task. These dogs have a very low shedding rate and they typically don’t need to be brushed more than once or twice per week.

Here are 4 quick tips for brushing your Basset Hound’s coat that will help you maintain it in good condition:

  1.  Brush your dog’s coat from head to tail – starting near his back legs and ending near his front legs.
  2.  Use short strokes that are about 8 inches long.
  3. Make sure to brush all of the hair on the dog’s body thoroughly by using different motions when brushing each section of his body.
  4. Brush the stomach area last because this area collects oils from his skin.

What is the Best Brush for Brushing a Basset Hound’s Coat?

Brushing this type of dog’s coat is not difficult because their coats are short. That being said, they do shed a lot and need to be brushed regularly with metal slickers or natural bristle brushes – which can help reduce Basset Hound shedding.

It might seem like the Basset Hound has an easygoing life when you think about it; brushing its coat isn’t all that hard and they don’t require much exercise either. But there’s one thing we should remember: these dogs will always (ALWAYS!) leave behind hair on clothing items in your home as well as furniture so make sure to brush them often for best results!

5. Health Concerns That May Cause Shedding Problems for Basset Hounds

Bassets need their coats to be brushed several times a week to prevent the dog from itching and developing skin conditions.

As with all breeds of dogs, basset hounds require regular grooming to maintain their coats and keep them healthy. It’s important that you use a de-shedding tool like the FURminator or B-Air Pro.

The FURminator is an excellent choice because it removes loose hair from deep within your basset’s undercoat while gently massaging away dead skin cells, which promotes healthy skin and coat conditions. This will make it less like that your Basset will suffer from hair loss.

6. How to Keep a Basset Hound From Shedding?

Dog shedding is a natural process that happens when the old hair falls off and the new hair comes in. Some breeds of dogs shed more than others, and some dogs are born with a coat that keeps them from shedding such as the Chinese Crested dog.

Some simple techniques to prevent excess shedding include frequent brushing or combing, using a conditioner or moisturizing shampoo on your dog’s coat, and purchasing pet brushes designed to remove loose hairs. You can also bathe your pet more often, but be sure to use the right kind of shampoo while taking care not to over-dry their skin by bathing too often.

Almost all dog breeds shed to some extent which is why it is important to keep them groomed. If not, the excess hair will collect in the home causing allergies and a bad smell.

You can use a FURminator for your Basset Hound. This is a brush that pulls loose hairs from your pup’s undercoat without damaging the top coat of fur. Another way to reduce shedding is by giving them baths with oatmeal shampoo several times a week. You can also brush your dog right after it has been bathed since this will help remove any loose hairs before they fall onto their coat again.

Do Basset Hounds Shed a Lot?
Do Basset Hounds Shed a Lot?

What Causes a Dog to Shed Hair?

A dog sheds hair for a variety of different reasons. The most common is due to a change in season, as this can affect the dog’s skin, which in turn affects the hair follicles.

Dogs may also shed because of stress or diet changes. However, it is important to note that dogs with allergies are more prone to shedding than those without allergies.

You may not know it, but your dog sheds a lot of hair. If you brush your dog every day, you will notice a pile of hair in the brush afterward. You might see some hairs around the house or in the yard.

Dogs shed naturally because their hair is constantly growing and they are always shedding some of it to make room for new growth.

If My Basset Hound is Healthy Will it Shed Less?

The short answer is no. There are many factors that come into play when it comes to shedding, not just your Basset Hound’s health.

Basset hounds are a low-shedding dog breed. Their coats are coarse and curly, which prevents hair from coming off as easily. Shedding is also related to the owner’s grooming habits and genetics.

Will the Hairs From a Basset Hound Cause Problems?

There is no need to worry about the hair from a Basset Hound getting into your family’s food because if you brush your dog often, you will remove all the loose hair prior to it shedding. If you do happen to notice some hairs in your home, just vacuum them up.

Does Basset Hound Shedding Hair Cause Allergies?

The short answer is yes.

When they shed, it often goes straight to the ground without being blown away or swept up like with other breeds. This means that there’s more hair out and about for our four-legged friends, but also for those who are allergic to hair. Losing as much as half a pound of hair each day can create a lot of mess in our homes and give rise to allergies in people who are sensitive.

The solution to Basset Hound shedding is regular brushing sessions.

Do Basset Hounds Shed a Lot?
Do Basset Hounds Shed a Lot?

Can Basset Hound Shedding Hair Cause Problems for Other Dogs?

Some people think that the hairs from a Basset Hound will cause problems when they are around other dogs. But the truth is that the hairs of a Basset Hound are low allergen and they won’t cause any problems for other dogs.

This is because the hairs from a Basset Hound are low dander which means it won’t irritate a dog’s skin. On top of this, they also produce fewer secretions in their skin, so you won’t have to worry about them rubbing themselves on furniture or carpets.

Is My Dog Shedding or Losing Hair?

Some of the most common reasons for hair loss in dogs are a change in normal seasonal shedding, diet, stress, parasites, allergies, and many others.

Dogs are known for their thick coats and shedding hair. A dog will usually have a lot of shedding hairs when it is changing its coat. Some of the more common reasons for losing hair are due to changes in diet, stress, parasites, and allergies, or general malaise.

Dogs can experience different shedding patterns depending on their breed, age, and the climate of the place they live in. For example, some breeds will have a heavy seasonal shedding period twice a year.

Many factors can cause dogs to lose hair and this includes stress, skin diseases, or high-energy levels. If your dog is experiencing excessive hair loss for no apparent reason, consult with your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

How Can I Stop My Dog’s Hair From Falling Out?

If the shedding is seasonal, the best thing owners can do is to develop the habit of regular grooming seasons to remove the dead hair before it gets a chance to shed.

There are many factors that can cause a dog to lose hair. Stress, an infection, or a reaction to food could be the reason your dog is losing hair.

It’s important to consult with your veterinarian if you notice your dog has lost hair or is going bald. They will be able to tell you what’s causing the problem and give you advice on how to fix it.

If it turns out that the issue is related to diet, then they may recommend changing what your pup is eating or adding supplements. If it’s an infection then they might suggest antibiotics that will treat any bacteria causing the problem.

Comparison: How Much Hair Do Different Dogs Shed?

There are three factors that determine how much hair a dog breed will shed they are the type of coat, the coat length, and the texture of the dog’s hair. We will take a quick look at these to determine how the basset Hound fits into this overall picture.

The Number of Coats

The number of coats a dog has determines the level of shedding. The more coats, the higher the level of shedding.

There are two types of coats, single and double. Examples of single coats are Maltese, French Bulldog, King Charles Spaniel. Examples of double coats are Pomeranian, German Shepherd, Rottweiler, or Husky. A Basset Hound has a single coat which means it sheds more or less daily.

Length of Coat

Dogs have short, long, hairless, and combination coats. An example of each type is Jack Russell, Collie, Chinese Crested, and Dachshund. A Basset Hound has a short coat so again it sheds more than many double-coated dog breeds.

Texture of Coat

Smooth, heavy, wiry, corded, and fleecy are the different textures of hair. A Basset Hound has a smooth coat which means more shedding.

When you are looking for a dog, it is important to understand if you are comfortable with a high-shedding dog or not. If you want a low-shedding dog, it is best to choose one that has double coats. Smooth-coated dogs are usually heavy shedders. Owners need to be aware that Basset Hound shedding is moderate to high.

Basset Hound Shedding Conclusion

When it comes to shedding, the Basset Hound is a moderate to heavy shedder. In fact, they’re considered above average in this department. Fortunately, they are known to produce less dander. This means that if you have allergies or are sensitive to dog fur, the Basset Hound may be just what you need!

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References and Further Reading:

[1] American Kennel Club, Basset Hound Information.


  • Denise Leo

    My name is Denise Leo, and I hail from Australia. My journey with dogs, especially with the delightful Pomeranian breed, has been a lifelong passion extending over 50 years. I have had the honor of breeding and exhibiting close to 100 Pomeranian Champions, dedicating many years to the intricate art of dog training across various disciplines. Beyond the show ring, my experience stretches to the pastoral fields as both a Dairy Farmer and Beef Cattle Breeder, where working with dogs of all breeds has been an integral part of my daily life. This diverse exposure has deepened my understanding and appreciation for these incredible animals. I firmly believe that dogs are the most extraordinary beings in our universe, capable of offering us unconditional love that surpasses even their own self-interest. The countless wonderful dogs that have shared my life over the years have not only brought immense joy and companionship but have also profoundly enriched my existence in ways I could never have imagined. About us page

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